DaDaBIK is a No-code, Low-code Platform designed to streamline the development of data-driven applications without coding; here are some examples: library management, custom CRM applications, sales management, real estate listing management, help desk, wharehouse management, membership management, photo collection management, customers/suppliers management, on-line databases, contact forms.
Any application involving data collection or management is ideally suited for development with DaDaBIK.
This page offers seven pre-built applications, showcasing the diversity and capability of the platform, as well as one blank application template that you can customize from scratch.
Demo 0: A blank application [NO-CODE]
A blank application (no tables, no data, ...) will be created for you: start from scratch and build your own application.
You can use and customize it for 30 days free of charge. After 30 days, your app will be deleted. Please do not store sensitive or private information.
At any time during the trial, you can buy a DaDaBIK license to deploy your app to your preferred hosting to continue using it without loosing any data or you can request us to deploy it for free on A2 Hosting.
Before proceeding, leave your email here: we'll send you the URL of your application.
Demo 1: ERP application [LOW-CODE]
Experience a fully functional ERP application designed to manage customers, suppliers, products, invoices, and reviews for a hypothetical online shop—all built with a low-code approach.
Apart from the manually created sales report, the entire application has been developed without any PHP or JavaScript coding. The only custom code used consists of a few lines for validation and formatting functions for product descriptions, prices, and converting ratings into star-based visuals.
Demo 2: Helpdesk application [NO-CODE]
An IT HelpDesk application. Employees can send an IT help request, specifying the details, a picture and a due date; the manager receives an email when a new request is registered and assigns the request to a member of the IT staff. Each member of the IT staff can see the requests and add comments, asking for details to the employee who created the request.
This application is no-code, it has been developed without any PHP/Javascript coding.
Demo 3: Sales management / CRM application [LOW-CODE]
You can manage your customers, leads and contacts; you can register quotes and orders; you can see graph reports of your sales and much more.
This application has been developed without any PHP/Javascript coding, except from: the few lines needed for custom formatting / automatic computation of these fields: price, price+tax, reorder product; the few lines needed for the custom buttons "convert" and "copy address" (Javascript code) and the code needed to implement the reorder hook, which automatically updates the product quantity in the warehouse whenever an order is registered.
Demo 4: School Management System [LOW-CODE]
This Dadabik School Management System app allows high school staff to efficiently manage classes, teachers, student enrollment, and generate transcripts with GPAs. Teachers can grade students, track attendance, and upload syllabi, while students can view their enrolled classes and teacher details
Start Dada School Management demo Now
Demo 5: Movies Library [NO-CODE]
This is a simple movies library front-end developed with DaDaBIK without any PHP/Javascript coding.
Start Dada Movies Library demo Now
Demo 6: WordPress integration Demo [NO-CODE]
This demo shows the integration between DaDaBIK and WordPress. You can see the entire Movies Library demo (demo n.4) integrated in a WordPress site; furthermore, check out two graphs generated by DaDaBIK, directly embedded into a WordPress page, illustrating data visualization capabilities.
In this example, authentication is disabled and you can't log-in as admin and modify the application (as you can do in the previous demos).
Start WordPress integration demo Now
Demo 7: Contact form [almost NO-CODE]
DaDaBIK can be used to create very complex applications but also simple, one-form, applications, like a typical contact form. Part of this application is public (the contact form) and part login-protected (the statistics and the data ). You can also see, alternatively, the contact form embedded in a WordPress page.
This application has been developed without any PHP/Javascript coding, except from the few lines of Javascript used to implement first and last name capitalization and the "copy address" custom button.
How did we build these applications?
Do you want to see how a DaDaBIK application is developed? Watch this video tutorial.