Video Tutorial: create a Custom Inventory Management Application (no-code)


In this tutorial, I'll explain how to create a custom Inventory software without coding, using DaDaBIK.

DaDaBIK is a low-code now-code development platform; it's a general-purpose platform so you can use it to build any data-based applications. An Inventory Management app is just one example of application you can build with DaDaBIK.

What is an Inventory Management System (IMS)?

An Inventory Management System helps you managing your warehouse, tracking stock levels and stock movements and giving precious information such as what products are understock.

Features of the custom Inventory application we are going to build

The application we build in this tutorial allows users (e.g. employees or managers of a shop) to store information related to Products and to track (inbound/outbound) Movements; for each product in the warehouse, they can see the resulting available quantity and the estimated value. They can also produce charts and pivot tables aggregating the data available.

We will set the permissions so that each employee can only work on movements, while the managers can also add, modify and delete the list of products available.
All users will also have a dashboard showing the understock products, the sales trend for a specific product and the estimated value of the goods, grouped by category.

The video tutorial

Here is the video tutorial: in about 90 minutes, you will learn how to build an Inventory Management System from scratch. The tutorial doesn't need any programming skills.
