I just upgraded and the error is below:
[08] Error: during query execution. SELECT `name_field`, `present_insert_form_field`, `present_edit_form_field`, `present_filter_form_field`, `present_ext_update_form_field`, `present_search_form_field`, `required_field`, `present_results_search_field`, `present_csv_field`, `present_details_form_field`, `check_duplicated_insert_field`, `type_field`, `calculated_function_field`, `custom_validation_function_field`, `custom_formatting_function_field`, `custom_csv_formatting_function_field`, `custom_required_function_field`, `js_event_functions_field`, `other_choices_field`, `show_lookup_link_field`, `chosen_field`, `chosen_ajax_field`, `content_field`, `label_field`, `label_grid_field`, `select_options_field`, `separator_field`, `primary_key_field_field`, `primary_key_table_field`, `primary_key_db_field`, `linked_fields_field`, `where_clause_field`, `linked_fields_order_by_field`, `linked_fields_order_type_field`, `items_table_names_field`, `items_table_fk_field_names_field`, `select_type_field`, `prefix_field`, `default_value_field`, `width_field`, `height_field`, `maxlength_field`, `hint_insert_field`, `tooltip_field`, `order_form_field`, `details_separator_before_field`, `insert_separator_before_field`, `search_separator_before_field`, `edit_separator_before_field`, `search_new_line_after_field`, `insert_new_line_after_field`, `edit_new_line_after_field`, `details_new_line_after_field`, `details_new_line_after_field`, `table_name`, `min_width_results_grid_column_field`, `cascade_filter_field`, `cascade_parent_field` FROM `dadabik_forms` WHERE `table_name` = 'categorias' ORDER BY `order_form_field` The DBMS server said: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'label_grid_field' in 'field list' If this error persists when you open a page, try to logout and login again (this removes a possibly wrong search filter).
This is the screen showing the version BEFORE I try to upgrade:
Your current DaDaBIK version You are using DaDaBIK version 11.3-Elba enterprise, installed on 20/01/2022 (installation code: 16736604290a81d173), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 11.7-Elba released on 18/08/2022 You are not running the last release of DaDaBIK, the release you are running might have bugs and security holes, see the official change log for further information. You can upgrade DaDaBIK here. In case you want to upgrade to a more powerful edition (from Pro to Enterprise/Platinum, from Enteprise to Platinum) please contact us. System info PHP Version: 7.4.32 mysql version: 5.7.23-23 Web server: Apache Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.134 Safari/537.36 Edg/103.0.1264.71
This is the screen showing the upgrade was made with success:
Upgrade Step 4/4: Files copy, Database update I am unzipping the file upgrades_634ea32969e03/dadabik_11.7-Elba_enterprise.zip ...Done! I am creating a backup of your config.php file as include/config_bkp_20221018.php ...Done! I am copying files from upgrades_634ea32969e03/dadabik_11.7-Elba_enterprise/program_files to the root folder ... Done! I am copying the documentation file from upgrades_634ea32969e03/dadabik_11.7-Elba_enterprise/program_files to the ./docs_dadabik_11.7-Elba_enterprise folder ... Done! I am deleting the temporary upgrades folder ... Done! I am deleting old, unnecessary files ... Done! I am updating your dadabik_ tables ... Done! I am registering your upgrade ... Done! In your docs_dadabik_11.7-Elba_enterprise folder, you can find some important documents such as the documentation, the change log, the license and the FAQs. As a security measure, you should now delete the files up.php and up2.php and (if they exist) the files upgrade.php, upgrade2.php, install.php, install2.php, since they could be used by malicious users. It's also a good security practice to change the parameter $dadabik_session_name in config_custom.php (and in the Wordpress DaDaBIK Wrapper if you use it) using a name you haven't used in the past; this will make invalid all the current sessions: those sessions might in fact have potentially dangerous content (think about a security fix) or content not compatible with the new version. Starting from V. 11.4, The $ldap_host parameter expects a full URI like "dap://ldap.yourdomain.net" (instead of ldap.yourdomain.net). Starting from V 11.4, for LDAP users and if $ldap_copy_users_data is set to 1, DaDaBIK does not copy anymore the LDAP passwords in the users table. If you use or have used LDAP authentication in this DaDaBIK application, You should DELETE (setting them as empty string) the old passwords you might have in your dadabik_users table for the users having authentication_type_user = 'ldap'. Starting from V 11.4, users coming from LDAP auhtentication are automatically confirmed. If you use or have used LDAP authentication in this DaDaBIK application, you should confirm in your dadabik_users table all the existing users having authentication_type_user = 'ldap', by setting confirmed_timestamp_user to 1666098687 Starting from V 11.6, all Chart labels are displayed using en-us number formatting (see changelog for further details). Starting from V 11.6, if $grant_permissions_after_table_installation is set to 1 or 2, permissions are granted not only after a table installation but also after having added a field (from the data page or by synching). DaDaBIK has been correctly upgraded. After having completed all the activities listed above you can start using it. You might need to clean the cache of your browser to correctly load the latest versions of some files (e.g. CSS files and pictures).