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  • deep64blue
    deep64blue reacted to eugenio's post in the thread Quickest/best way to duplicate app with Like Like.
    You don't need to install DaDaBIK, for an exact copy: copy and paste all the files, copy the DB, change the field "url_installation" in...
  • eugenio
    You don't need to install DaDaBIK, for an exact copy: copy and paste all the files, copy the DB, change the field "url_installation" in...
  • K
    Hi I created a demo of an app which I have got working now exactly as required. I now want to duplicate this app onto another domain...
  • deep64blue
    deep64blue reacted to eugenio's post in the thread Tcpdf errors with Like Like.
    The documentation is correct, but this doesn't imply that importing from select_single fields is not possible / not compatible as you...
  • eugenio
    eugenio replied to the thread Tcpdf errors.
    The documentation is correct, but this doesn't imply that importing from select_single fields is not possible / not compatible as you...
  • N
    nferrara replied to the thread Tcpdf errors.
    I experienced what you indicated in : ---------------- For...
  • deep64blue
    deep64blue reacted to eugenio's post in the thread Tcpdf errors with Like Like.
    Hello, did you change any DaDaBIK file except from config_custom.php? Could you try a fresh installation, using the original files...
  • deep64blue
    deep64blue reacted to eugenio's post in the thread Tcpdf errors with Like Like.
    It is compatible, what kind of problems did you experience?
  • deep64blue
    Hello, you have to check the TCPDF documentation to see how to change the page size and then add the proper code in your...
  • eugenio
    eugenio replied to the thread Tcpdf errors.
    It is compatible, what kind of problems did you experience?
  • eugenio
    Hello, you have to check the TCPDF documentation to see how to change the page size and then add the proper code in your...
  • W
    I need to print in different page formats. My application will be used in main office for production planning and in the production...
  • W
    I have a virtual column called KG_H in my db. When I change some value in the form and I save I get this message: "[08] Error: during...
  • N
    nferrara replied to the thread Tcpdf errors.
    Hello, Thanks for your reply. A fresh installation is OK without this pcpdf problem ! I think I used, in the problematic installation...
  • eugenio
    eugenio replied to the thread Tcpdf errors.
    Hello, did you change any DaDaBIK file except from config_custom.php? Could you try a fresh installation, using the original files...