HTTP API - How to Try (Want to use with AppGyver)


I am thinking in upgrade my DaDaBIK license to Platinum in order to use HTTP API with an app built with SAP AppGyver. Is there a way to test it before to upgrade?

I was thinking you could enable HTTP API access for an specific user on your demo application.

Eugenio, I was taking a look at your Demos page and I think is a good idea to make available a new demo application, for example "Demo 7 - HTTP API [NO CODE]" or something like this.


Staff member
that's a very good suggestion, actually I could just open HTTP APIs on one of the existing demo, but I have to check the security details first. In the meantime, maybe you can write an email to support, I will think about adding one HTTP API user just for a temporary test.

Eugenio, I would like to know when we would have the other operations on HTTP API (PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE at least) so we can make a complete CRUD in a mobile app using AppGyver or other frontend. Thank you!


Staff member
at the moment they are not planned. I think that in most of the cases AUTHENTICATE and READ are enough, because DaDaBIK is used as a central repository to manage the data and other applications read and consume such data, but maybe there are other use cases that I didn't consider.

There is an open item in canny about this:
