Want to understand Timestamping?


Evan Gasker

Just trying to help the knowledge base here with some general info... I believe DaDaBIK is an incredible program, but it pains me to see such a poorly supported forum, and especially, an absent owner!

For those who are working with Timestamps, it seems there is confusion about how this works together with DaDaBIK. For starters, you need to separate the two concepts.. The TIMESTAMP function (when you set up a table) is a SQL function that will *automatically update* the row when ANY update is made to it. Therefore, you don't need to involve DaDaBIK to interfere with this automated process! At most, just change the visibility and editing attributes in the Internal Table Manager so that the field cannot be edited or seen in your results (whatever you prefer for visibility in your results, search and edit windows). If you're wondering what to set your Field Type column parameters to in DaDaBIK, just leave it as "Text".

And then that's it! The SQL engine will do its job by continuously updating the field whenever the row is changed manually or via a script (And even when a user enters data through DaDaBIK).

So what's the insert_date and update_date used for then? Apart from what I *thought* it was supposed to do, it apparently overlays any existing field value with the current date or current time. This does not effect your actual SQL table, as I have changed my date column in DaDaBIK back to "Text" and the original values returned.

Perhaps if there were some documentation on this, we could understand what the author was trying to do here?

Good luck,


Evan Gasker wrote:
> Just trying to help the knowledge base here with some general
> info... I believe DaDaBIK is an incredible program, but it
> pains me to see such a poorly supported forum, and
> especially, an absent owner!

The owner try to reply to support requests, but developes DaDaBIK in his free time, for free, so don't complain about support.

> So what's the insert_date and update_date used for then?

They contain the date in which the record has been inserted and the date of the last update.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)