Using HTML in Hints Field - TIP


DaDaBIK Guru
If you want to use HTML Code in the Hints field, enter it using the entities representing the code. Example:

If you want to display:
More info here
(where the word in bold is the intended link)

The actual HTML would be:
More info here

Text to enter in the Hints field:
More info <a href="file.htm">here</a>

This will ensure that the code you write is not stripped or weirded out when re-visiting your interface configurator to make changes.

To make the code you enter display properly when viewing through the browser, change this line in business_logic.php (on or about line 1143 - I've modded my business_logic.php so I apologize if the line number is out):

$form .= "<td class=\"td_hint_form\">".$fields_labels_ar[$i]["hint_insert_field"]."</td>"; // display the insert hint if it's the insert form

TO (add the bolded code -- the html... and closing bracket):

$form .= "<td class=\"td_hint_form\">".html_entity_decode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["hint_insert_field"])."</td>"; // display the insert hint if it's the insert form

I may have posted this some time in the past but cannot remember. I was playing with one of my installs today and re-taught myself this little tidbit.

So far it seems to be working great on my install so if anyone has any problems ... post here.



New member
I've tried to modify business_logic.php however HTML code is broken by saving the written hint in admin.php.