Tables with more than one key


Peter Cowley


I have another issue.

I have a table with a two column primary key (Record_ID and Sequence Number). This table stores multiple records of data relating to the Record_ID, but with each Reord_ID there is also a unique Sequence_number to make the compound key unique.

DaDaBik displayes the records OK, but if I try to delete one occurance of Sequence Number, it actually tries to delete all records matching the Record_ID. It is not looking at the compound key "Sequence Number"

Similar problems in Update, it always tries to update the first occurance of the record with Record_ID as it is ignoring Sequence_number.

Does any one have an help on this one? I would really appreciate it.

What I am eventually aiming for is to have the master record displayed (from the Ships_Table) first then all the occurances of records matching the Record_ID (in the Ships_Former_Details_Table) in Sequence number order. This is how I had it layed out in access some time ago, a form with a sub-form inside it. It makes it easy to add/delete/change if all the sub components of the Master record are present on the screen. Any ideas?

Thanks to Eugenio for a great peice of software!


Peter Cowley wrote:
> Hi
> I have another issue.
> I have a table with a two column primary key (Record_ID and
> Sequence Number). This table stores multiple records of data
> relating to the Record_ID, but with each Reord_ID there is
> also a unique Sequence_number to make the compound key unique.


At the moment DaDaBIK doesn't support multiple primary keys.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)