Stats Page Unauthenticated User


Dadabik 10.6
Red hat Linux 8
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.27-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1


I just installed the new Dadabik 10.6 and am going through the config file, I came upon this and was wondering is I can with this feature create a stats page with graphs and directly link to it on an screen in the office which will run headless, if this is possible, canI somehow make this page refresh every minute?

// fill this parameter if you set $enable_authentication = 1 but you still want to leave part of your application available to non-authenticated users. From the admin interface, create a group (for example "public") and a user belonging to that group (for example "public_user") and fill $username_public_user with the username of such user. A non-authenticated user will get the permissions that you granted to the group you have created.
// if you leave $username_public_user empty (default setting) and $enable_authentication = 1, users MUST login to access your DaDaBIK application
$username_public_user = '';



Staff member
that feature just allows a public user to see some of your pages (custom or based on tables/views).
What you do on such table is totally up to you, though.



What I need to have is an custom page in dadabik that can be accessed without first having to login to Dadabik, it needs to be able to start up headless.
Yes, that's how you do it. Create a create a group for public, create a user "public" with a long dummy password in the public group, put that username in the config as above, assign read rights to the custom page to the public group.
To have it auto-refresh you need to emit the following html into your page:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">

That works for my slideshow ;)