Reports from mySQL db


Well-known member

I'm trying to create some reports from my database - does anyone know if dadabik has any reporting functions or is there a good reporting tool anyone can recommend that will allow me to create php web-based reports but that will allow me to do it even though my hosting provider doesn't allow remote connections?




DaDaBIK Guru
Not knowing what type of reports you are looking for, I cannot answer your question.
You can checkout Hotscripts to see if there are any programs out there that will do what you want.


Well-known member
Hi Debbie,

I am looking for basic reports from my mySQL database - total sales figures, conversion rates, outstanding jobs and payments etc etc. I have looked at PHP Report Maker 5 - looks OK, and could remote connect (even though my Hosting provider told me it was not possible), but it is quite expensive. Was hoping there was some excellent open source equivalent (after all, we all found Dadabik didn't we?!).




Well-known member
Hi Debbie,

Again thanks for your time and help. I have looked at most of the paid reporting tools and I still think PHP Report Maker 5 looks like the best of the bunch. Smart Report Maker is much cheaper but doesn't give as much control or have as many functions but is very similar to MS Access reports so would be relatively easy to use. However, I think I will buy PHP Report Maker 5 and spend a bit of time getting to grips with it - although it is relatively expensive, I think it's powerful enough for any mysql reporting I may ever need, so will probably be worth the money in the long run.

Thanks again,
