Remove "insert as new" button


New member
I need to force users to only insert new records, I have a unique calculated field that is generated and if a user edits a record then clicks "Insert as New" it duplicates that field value. I need to have them be able to edit a record and insert new records or delete records only.

How can I remove the "Insert as New" button?

Your current DaDaBIK version:

You are using DaDaBIK version 10.1-Manarola enterprise, installed on 05-15-2020 (installation code: 155165ebef2d6ed236), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 10.1-Manarola released on 03-09-2020

You are runnning the last release of DaDaBIK

In case you want to upgrade to a more powerful edition (from Pro to Enterprise/Platinum, from Enteprise to Platinum) please contact us.
System info

PHP Version: 7.2.30

mysql version: 5.6.47-cll-lve

Web server: Apache

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0


New member
Managed to hide it using CSS and it seems to be working. I added to "styles.screen.custom.css"

input[value="Insert as new"]{ display:none; }


Hi Jason,

Just a thought...

I don't know but it may be that your mods along these lines in core files might be vulnerable to deletion if/when you upgrade your DaDaBIK

Best keep a separate log of your mods to re-apply in the future.

Cheers, David.


New member
Very good point David.

I think I am at the point where this particular app is so customized that an upgrade isn't really an option for me.


Staff member
Hi all,
just to clarify: what you add to the styles_screen_custom.css file can be kept during an upgrade, that file is not overwritten.
