Produce PDF


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You are using DaDaBIK version 10.1-Manarola enterprise, installed on 03-10-2020 (installation code: 149385d97a1a893918), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 10.1-Manarola released on 03-09-2020

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PHP Version: 5.6.40

mysql version: 5.6.46-log

Web server: Apache

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36

Hello everyone,
I am trying to print in PDF through a custom template in HTML format. In order to create that template, I have used an Excel spreadsheet that contains a custom layout and then "save as" in web page format. I have then added the relevant "dadabik_field MYFIELD dadabik_field" within the document. When I try "produce PDF" i can see the data within the PDF but the PDF format does not keep the layout I wanted to have. I know dadabik uses TCPDF script for this but I was wondering if anyone had a simple way to create a html template for which the original layout design could be kept by TCPDF other than Microsoft office program (work or Excel).
I noticed that the exported HTML from Excel or Word contains a lot of codes that may not be recognized by TCPDF. I basically want to have a customized template from Excel with tables for which specific cells are returning dadabik fields.
Thanks for any feedback.


Staff member
yes the html produced by excel is probably something that TCPDF doesn't like.
TCPDF does a great job converting html to pdf but it is a bit "picky" so for example if you have a minor mistake in your html the conversion typically doesn't work.
I don't have a ready-to-use template for excel but I guess that what you need is a very simple standard html table.
