Problem with detail view (when input error happens on save)


Well-known member

How to replicate the issue:
1) View table has records, click one to edit
==> this Edit record page (also has a Master / Detail section at bottom of page)

2) On the Edit record, let's say it has phone number field and you enter letters. Try to save the record.
==> you get an error notification at the top of the screen. Which is correct.

HOWEVER, when the error notification is displayed, the Master/Detail section at the bottom of page DISAPPEARS.

Why does the Master/Detail section go away because of the input error notification? It should not.

can you fix this?


You are using DaDaBIK version 10.2-Manarola enterprise, installed on 08-18-2020 (installation code: 157025efd31de5bb7d), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 10.3-Manarola released on 08-26-2020