multiple master/details form


I have:
- TABLE PACKING LIST with the master data
- TABLE PALLETS with all the pallets produced

Every pallet recod has a fiels STATUS that is: 0 when apllet is produced and still in warehouse, n with n equals the ID of the packing list where the pallet will be loaded.
I am trying to find a nice user interface solution to create a PACKING LIST.
My idea is having the master data on the top, the used pallets in the middle (I imagine a detail page made by pallets records where status = ID_PACK_LIST) and in footer a view with the pallets where status = 0.

In the details part of used pallets I would add a custom button each row to remove the pallet from the packing list (setting status to 0)
In the same way I would place a custom button in each row of the second details (status =0) so that the pallet will be used in the packing list (setting its status to ID_PACK_LIST)

My problem at the moment is that I am not able to generate the second details grid since le master recorda has not yet any reference to the pallets with status = 0.

Any suggestion about this problem?

Could it be possible reaching this result using layout hook (i.e. footer) filling it with the mebed code of the view I want shown but not directly "linked" to the master data?

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