Making all text uppercase on input


If given a bunch of time I can probably find it but maybe someone here can make my life easier for the moment. Does anyone know where I can make all the text being entered during and insert or update record to uppercase using maybe the strtoupper() function.. Might it be the business_logic or one of the functions php files and if so, where abouts :)

Many thanks..


OK found it.. Inside function insert_record within business_logic.. Enclosed the portion of the sql statement with the string to upper function as shown in bold:

default: // textual field and select single
if ($_POST[$fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]] == $fields_labels_ar[$i]["prefix_field"]){ // the field contain just the prefix
$_POST[$fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]] = "";
} // end if
$sql .= "'".strtoupper($_POST[$fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]])."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement