Install problem


New member
I am running databik 4.2 on windows xp using apache 2 and mysql with newest PHP. I am getting the following error:

"[08] Error: during query execution.
CREATE TABLE dadabik_members ( id_field INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name_field VARCHAR(50), label_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text', content_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'alphanumeric', present_search_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_results_search_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_details_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_insert_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_ext_update_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', required_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', check_duplicated_insert_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', other_choices_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', select_options_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_field_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_table_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_db_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_by_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_type_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', select_type_field VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'is_equal/contains/starts_with/ends_with/greater_than/less_then/is_null/is_empty', prefix_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', default_value_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', width_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', height_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', maxlength_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', hint_insert_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', order_form_field INTEGER NOT NULL, separator_field VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '~', PRIMARY KEY (id_field) )
DBMS server said: BLOB/TEXT column 'select_options_field' can't have a default value"

Sorry it's a long one. Please help.

Post Edited (08-03-08 04:49)


DaDaBIK Guru
Did you try removing the DEFAULT '' text from the line

select_options_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

in business_logic.php and running the install again?



New member
Debbie, thanks for the reply. I checked in business_logic.php and found the line that reads:

select_options_field text NOT NULL default '',

I then did what you suggested and now it looks like this:

select_options_field text NOT NULL,

I deleted the DEFAULT " but now i get this error:

[08] Error: during query execution.
CREATE TABLE dadabik_member ( id_field INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name_field VARCHAR(50), label_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text', content_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'alphanumeric', present_search_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_results_search_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_details_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_insert_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', present_ext_update_form_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', required_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', check_duplicated_insert_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', other_choices_field VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', select_options_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_field_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_table_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_key_db_field VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_by_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linked_fields_order_type_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', select_type_field VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'is_equal/contains/starts_with/ends_with/greater_than/less_then/is_null/is_empty', prefix_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', default_value_field TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', width_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', height_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', maxlength_field VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '100', hint_insert_field VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', order_form_field INTEGER NOT NULL, separator_field VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '~', PRIMARY KEY (id_field) )
DBMS server said: BLOB/TEXT column 'select_options_field' can't have a default value

Any idea what to do next? Thanks.



DaDaBIK Guru
But it is still showing up as before -- look at the CREATE TABLE query above .. the code is still being executed as before as though the file was not saved.

Just looked at my untouched copy of business_logic.php and see that the first section where the code is written exactly as I posted above is actually commented out /* */. Try editing this line in the next section to remove the DEVAULT '' :

select_options_field X DEFAULT '' NOTNULL,

If you get other errors for other fields about the default value thing, just repeat the same but for the field affected (as stated in the DBMS Server said line in your browser.



New member
Wow, I had to remove the DEFAULT " on a lot of settings. I am now getting a different error:

[08] Error: during query execution.
insert into `dadabik_member` (`name_field`, `label_field`, `order_form_field`) values ('member_id', 'member_id', '1')
DBMS server said: Field 'select_options_field' doesn't have a default value

How do I fix this? Thanks.



DaDaBIK Guru
What exactly are you trying to do (where in the program are you and from where are you trying to insert something) when this error occurs?



New member
I am just trying to install dadabik. From Firefox, I run:


And it gives them that error.


DaDaBIK Guru
I just ran the 4.2 install (in FF3 and IE7) without removing any default text from business_logic.php on a test DB and had no errors whatsoever. I'm also running XP/Apache2/PHP5 with MySQL. I don't know what else to suggest as I cannot replicate the problem.

My only suggestion at this point is to try unzipping the business_logic.php to restore it to the default and double-check your config.php options and try to run the install again. Sorry I cannot be more help.



New member
when you installed dadabik to:


Did you just put all the files in their or into another folder inside htdocs? Thanks.

Also, your test database: How did you set it up? I wonder if my database and the table in it are not set up correctly.

Post Edited (08-07-08 01:06)


DaDaBIK Guru
I simply placed all the files from the program_files directory from the distribution into a directory under /htdocs/.

My test database just has one field of each type available in DaDaBIK so I can test the different field types.

Can you post your DB schema for which you are trying to install DaDaBIK for?



New member
Yes, I will, how do i post the database schema here?

EDIT: Debbie, I also downloaded a sample database (Sakila sample database) and tried installing DaDaBIK using it and I got the same exact error as when using my DB. So I don't think the problem is with the DB.

Post Edited (08-07-08 04:44)