the setup and execution of this program was not at all what i expected.
i thought this was a system that allowed you build up to 5 apps against 5 tables. wrong
i also thought you could point to the database server and tables you want to build an app against...wrong
so i created a php site on the hosting company i used.
created a mysql db for the what i thought was the php softwares meta data.
i get into the app.
it wants to access to tables in the mysql table..only. no way to point a connection string to the ms sql db i use for my clients.
i also find that you HAVE TO INSTALL the product for every app you want to build.
not sure how people find this productive
if im wrong let me know. maybe im still confused.
so if you install this package 5 times into 5 different directories and you want to upgrade... you do it 5 times. how is that productive.
i also do not want to install all the dadabik tables in my production customer database. and i have to install it once for every app i want to do. thats alot of tables corrupting my PRODUCTION database.
if im wrong let me know but this is how i see this product running.
i thought this was a system you install, point to a table to create a CRUD apps.
i thought this was a system that allowed you build up to 5 apps against 5 tables. wrong
i also thought you could point to the database server and tables you want to build an app against...wrong
so i created a php site on the hosting company i used.
created a mysql db for the what i thought was the php softwares meta data.
i get into the app.
it wants to access to tables in the mysql table..only. no way to point a connection string to the ms sql db i use for my clients.
i also find that you HAVE TO INSTALL the product for every app you want to build.
not sure how people find this productive
if im wrong let me know. maybe im still confused.
so if you install this package 5 times into 5 different directories and you want to upgrade... you do it 5 times. how is that productive.
i also do not want to install all the dadabik tables in my production customer database. and i have to install it once for every app i want to do. thats alot of tables corrupting my PRODUCTION database.
if im wrong let me know but this is how i see this product running.
i thought this was a system you install, point to a table to create a CRUD apps.