HTTP Error 500 whenever i create a hook in operational_hooks.php


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I have been trying very hard to create an operational hook that is exactly following the youtube dadabik video part 4 (2017/2018).
Any kind of hooks i have been writing in the operational_hooks.php provides me with the same HTTP Error 500 message.

The hook is meant to update items balance from a table dni_release from another user entry form (table dni_release, field dni_qty_release).
If i apply the same "coding" hook from the video that supposed to update the balance my webserver provides me with http error 500. If i delete this hook ,it is back to normal.
Here is my hook:

$hooks[‘dni_release’][‘insert’][‘after’] = 'dadabik_dni_update_balance';

function dadabik_dni_update_balance($id_release)
global $conn;

//select the quantity in dni_release table and update the balance in dni_products table
$sql = “update dni_release INNER JOIN dni_products ON dni_release.dni_qty_release = dni_products.id_dnipro SET dni_products.dni_qty = dni_qty - dni_qty_release WHERE dni_release_id_release :id_release";

$res_prepare = prepare_db($conn, $sql);
$values_to_bind = array();
$values_to_bind[‘id_release’] = $id_release;
foreach ($values_to_bind as $key => $value)
$res_bind = bind_param_db($res_prepare, ':' .$key, $value);
$res = execute_prepared_db($res_prepare,0);
$row = fetch_row_db($res_prepare);


Staff member
This has been solved after opening an email support ticket, the code contained parse errors.