how to make a search?

Dear all,

sorry I´ve looked here in the Forum and tried, I think so, all possibilities.

How can I do a search like this:

Within my table I have about 10 entries at the time, each 6 fields.
In the keywords field I have enries:
ID1: Mario is a boy
ID2: I love Maria
ID3: Mario loves Maria

Search in keywords:
Mario AND Maria
Mario OR Maria

I allways get: no records found

What I´m doing wrong?
In the config.php I have the:
$select_operator_feature = 1;

What else I have to do, resp. to change?

I have found this post. It´s exactly what I´m looking for!
Any news?

Thanks for help!


DaDaBik: 4.2
Linux tux5
PHP Version 4.3.11
MySQL: newest

Post Edited (03-12-08 22:38)
I´ve got (found) it!

Works perfect (tested with "and" and "or".

Followed exactly these instructions:

Here the things to change, resp. to add:

In: include/business_logic.php, around line 2680, after the "break;" of case "contains":
add this:

case "boolean":
$where_clause .= "MATCH($field_name_temp) AGAINST('$_POST[$field_name_temp]' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";

in: include/languages/english.php add this:

"boolean" => "Boolean search",

I´ve done it around line 175, where the others like is equal, contains etc. are.


if engflish is not your language, you should add this also in your language(s):

in: include/languages/english.php add this:

"boolean" => "Boolsche Suche", <- in your languages

I´ve done it around line 175, where the others like is equal, contains etc. are.

