how to display custom text on a form?


Well-known member
I'm assuming there isn't a designed way to freely add php code to dynamically display text to a user on a form page (where it is on an edit page form or in a result page).

Because of the above, the intended work around is this:

1) with the table you are using, create a view and use the view instead. Add an extra blank/empty field on the field in the view.
2) this extra blank field, can now be used to display text (write a php custom function to pull data or record primary keys from the page parameters).
3) placement of this text in the field is managed like any field on the page.

Is the above correct?

if not, what is the best way to accomplish the following:

table: Property

table: Offer
Property ID

Because there are 300K property records, when the user is adding a new Offer for a given property,
I want the Name of the property to be displayed on the Offer insert form page.
However, IF using the single_select field option to display the Property Name, this creates a delay or pause that is a little too long for my users. ((the dropdown does NOT need to load up 300k ID in the dropdown list))

I JUST want to pass in the Property ID, run simple SQL to get/display the Property Name.
Obviously, the property ID field is populated, but hidden... as this number is useless to the user.

thanks for the help!!!