header and css files


New member

I'm using dadabik 4.3 and because I'm trying to change de logo.gif I try to manage some changes in css files also. But there are lots of them and I don't know where to change the colour of the header . The project has different css files: styles_screen.css, include/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes,.../ content.css, ui.css, so on.

I have changed this sentence in the header file:

if ($page_name === 'main' || $page_name === 'login') {
echo '<img src="images/NewlLOGO.gif">';

The new logo is little than the full header and for this reason I would like that the back_ground colour of the remainder header was identical to the back_ground colour of the new logo. Anyone know where to change the colour header?

Thanks before hand.


The background color of the logo header (container) can be changed by editing the styles_screen.css on line 390.

/* the logo row of the container table */
background-color: #a9b299;
