Getting Started: Can DaDaBIK Do This?



I want a PHP/MySql application that will display to the user , on a web page, a list of files i have for downloading, showing the file size, the link to click to download the file, the file date, and maybe 1 or 2 more columns.

Can DaDaBIK do this?

And what DaDaBIK file must I point to in order for the user to view this database and access the files thru the web ?

Thanks in advance!

Paul Sharpe

Nancy: List of files....YES; show file size....YES; file date....YES; maybe 1 or 2 more columns....YES.

A link to download the file? I believe so but I have not done this. Search "hyper link" in this forum. You will see others that appear to be doing exactly what you describe.

Now, as for "pointing to DaDaBik": As I'm sure you are aware, in standard HTML code for web pages, the "index.html or index.htm" file is loaded as the default or first page loaded for viewing.

EXAMPLE: Entering "" is the same as entering ""

In the case of DaDaBik, the index.php file is the default file. Therefore; if the DIRECTORY you have placed the DaDaBik files is named "search", then entering "" will load (by default) the DaDaBik index.php page for viewing.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


Nancy wrote:
> I want a PHP/MySql application that will display to the user
> , on a web page, a list of files i have for downloading,
> showing the file size, the link to click to download the
> file, the file date, and maybe 1 or 2 more columns.
> Can DaDaBIK do this?

The only thing that DaDaBIk can't provide at this moment (you have to write some additional code to get it) is the file size.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)