function validate_password($password)


Hello dear Forum,

it concerns the pw validation, if I made a function validate_password($password) {} it throws an

[error] 1830608#0: *35263 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function "dadabik_validate_password" not found or invalid function name in /var/www/vhosts/

I renamed it both to function dadabik_validate_password($password) {} and pwd.php:115 to

.........if($enable_password_validation === 1 && dadabik_validate_password($clear) === false){.........

it works fine.

The help-text in config.php:259 "... the password is validated using a validate_password($password) function that you have to write in custom_functions.php;..."

additional: a strange behavior is that sometimes a parameter $password (coming from pwd.php) delivers a string, sometimes an array, but this helps
(in dadabik_validate_password($password))

if (is_array($password)) {
$password = $password['password_user'];

best regards

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PHP Version: 8.1.23

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Staff member
the function is validate_password, not dadabik_validate_password.
The error you got is very strange, unless you put by mistake your validation function in form configurator. Maybe you set it as custom validation function in form configurator?
