Error with permissions form


New member
I'm finding 7.3 Pro a bit buggy.

On an newly added/installed table I am now trying to add permissions to the admin group. I select yes for all and when I save I get "Error with permissions form"

This appears to work with 7.2 Pro

You are using DaDaBIK version 7.3 pro
PHP Version: 5.3.28
mysql version: 5.5.47
Web server: Apache/2.4.18 (Unix)
Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.0


Staff member
we are not aware of problems with the permissions form in DaDaBIK 7.3.
Maybe you have some field/table names containing blank spaces?


New member
Hi. Odd. The table name did have a blank. I changed to _ and it worked. However I have other table names with a blank and they work fine. Oh well it now works. Thank you.


Staff member
Are you sure the others work fine? It seems impossible to me, try to update the TABLE (not fields) permissions, you should get an error.

Here is the relevant part of the documentation, I've realized that field names are mentioned but not table names, which is wrong (I'll fix the documentation); however, the behaviour of DaDaBIK 7.2 was the same:

- Insert/search/update fail if one or more field names contain blank spaces or dots (e.g. "my field" or "my.field" are not allowed, use "my_field" instead).

- Quote characters and characters which need to be esacped such as ' ` " \, can lead to problems if used in table and field names.

- Using field names containing the value set for $alias_prefix, $null_checkbox_prefix, $select_type_select_suffix, $year_field_suffix, $month_field_suffix, $day_field_suffix, $hours_field_suffix, $minutes_field_suffix, $seconds_field_suffix could lead to unexpected results; you can change the value of the above variables editing /include/config.php


New member
Yes it does error. This table (with the space in the name) was one of the original tables when DaDaBik first installed.

I'm only trying it out at the moment so it's good to get all these teething issues out of the way :)