Error When changing name of New Installed Tables


Recently I've been getting an error when trying to change table names on newly installed tables.

I can install tables fine, but now anytime I try to update a table weather name, order, or parent, I get this error.

unexpected error include_tables_form.submit ajax error{"readyState":4,"responseText":"\n\nerror","status":200,"statusText":"OK"}


Staff member
at the moment there isn't any proper way to update table names; keeping the "real" table name not synchronized with the table name dadabik registered can lead to unpredictable results.
My suggestion is to rename the table to its original name. If this is not possible I would do the following:

- rename (only temporarily) the table to its original name
- uninstall the table from dadabik
- rename the table to the name you want
- re-install the table in dadabik (of course you have to modify permissions, form configurator and any other settings / code you had for the original table).
