Error updating from 11.12 to 12.0


New member
I am using PHP version 7.4.33 and MySQL version is 5.6.41-84.1 and I am using HostGator for my hosting service.

I am unable to upgrade my 11.12 version to 12.0. Upgrade gives me the following error: "An error occurred during the upgrade procedure, you can try to restart the procedure." I have had no problems in the past upgrading my system.

The requirements check on the first page says everything is OK. I was wondering if this has something to do with the custom_funtions.php file as I do have some custom functions.


DaDaBIK Guru
You could try backing up your custom_functions.php file, then replace it with the clean version from Dadabik v12 download and try the upgrade again. If it works you can then add your custom functions back into the new file.


New member
Thanks. I will give that a try.

Also looked at my error log and found the following Warnings/Errors (similar to the other issue).

[15-May-2024 09:54:27 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 2097152
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 10:50:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0


New member
Used default custom functions files and still getting the following errors:

[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:19:02 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_name(): Cannot change session name when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php:0) in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0
[15-May-2024 14:20:00 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /home4/juliepete/staging/quickchart/up2.php on line 0


Staff member
when exactly the procedure stops? When you launch up.php you are at step 1, what happens next?
Custom functions are fine, at some point the procedure asks you to delete a few lines to custom_functions.php but maybe you haven't reached that part?


New member
The procedure stops after I upload the zip file and proceed to the installation. I get the “error occurred during upgrade…” message. Should I try a new install instead of upgrade on a test site?


I am having the same problem with the same upgrade path 11.12>12.0. I placed the zip file for Aveto inside the folder that the upgrade script creates, pressed continue, and got the same error message. Unlike my previous woes with upgrades, this is NOT a javascript error. Nothing shows in the console. The error message appears on the page as HTML against red background.


when exactly the procedure stops? When you launch up.php you are at step 1, what happens next?
Custom functions are fine, at some point the procedure asks you to delete a few lines to custom_functions.php but maybe you haven't reached that part?
You made the same comment in another thread. What instructions are you referring to? The script did not ask me to delete anything.


You made the same comment in another thread. What instructions are you referring to? The script did not ask me to delete anything.
Actually I looked in my existing custom_functions.php for the "require" lines you mention in the other thread, and it has none of them (though I do have a few custom functions). Maybe that's why I didn't get the instruction. But then the error is occurring for some other reason.


same error, same step.
tried a new update on a 2 days ago backup image and got a different error reference:


any idea??

Previous error was about ..../custom_functions.php

I already updated in the same machine 3 other apps without error.
This one is the most important and complex..


FYI, @eugenio the only way I could get around this error was to follow the old, manual upgrade procedure. That seems to have worked fine. Will try the new, simple upgrade procedure on another instance first and see how it goes.


New member
I don't know if this throws any light on the subject (or even if it has any relevance) but I have also been unable to do an auto update from 11.12 to 12.0 so did some experimenting.....
If I use the old manual method the update works, but running the install.php file loses all of my groups and users.
If I create a simple test database and do a clean install of 11.12, the update to v12.0 works.
However, if I create the same simple database, but add views, the install fails - all unique keys for views are lost. This is a known issue with views, due to user privileges, but I wonder if this may be stopping the upgrade script from executing completely, and causing the error.


Staff member
I don't know if this throws any light on the subject (or even if it has any relevance) but I have also been unable to do an auto update from 11.12 to 12.0 so did some experimenting.....
If I use the old manual method the update works, but running the install.php file loses all of my groups and users.
If I create a simple test database and do a clean install of 11.12, the update to v12.0 works.
However, if I create the same simple database, but add views, the install fails - all unique keys for views are lost. This is a known issue with views, due to user privileges, but I wonder if this may be stopping the upgrade script from executing completely, and causing the error.

this is not clear to me. If you run install.php you are doing a fresh install, not an upgrade. If you are experiencing issues with install, please create a different thread.
About the view issue, which known issue are you referring to?



New member
Sorry to confuse you. In retrospect I may well have run the install.php instead of up.php - I have had several very long days/nights sorting problems with my ISP.
The view issue is the loss of view unique fields when restoring database backups, which is not a problem specific to dadabik.


New member
I have finally managed to update dadbik installation to v12.0 using the manual method - just a couple of small layout issues, which are probably my own fault. ;)


New member
Finally got back to this. I was never able to upgrade my web site application with version 12.0 so I copied my web site to my Windows computer which has Xampp installed with PHP 8 (my web site is using PHP 7.4.33. I was able to successfully upgrade my windows installation so I don't know if it is PHP that is the issue or something else. changing the permissions on my web site to 777 did not seem to help.

Still getting the following error message in Step 2. I will continue to try and debug this when I have some time.