Hello all,
Hope Eugenio or someone else can point me to the right direction on this.
After moving my database(mysql 3.23) and DaDaBIK from a Win2K/apache fat32 workstation to a Win2K/apache ntfs server, error messages(see bellow) are displayed throughout the pages but the functionality doesn’t seem to be affected by it. I can still insert/search/delete records without any problem. I am running PHP 4.1.2. Is there anything I could have overlooked during setup?
Warning: Undefined index: type_mailing in header.php on line 19
<body <?php if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["type_mailing"] == "labels") echo "leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" onload=\"javascript:alert('".$normal_messages_ar["print_warning"]."')\""?>>
Warning: Undefined variable: mail_feature in index.php on line 24
<?php if ($mail_feature == 1){ ?>
Warning: Undefined index: page in form.php on line 21->26
$where_field = $HTTP_POST_VARS "where_field"];
$where_value = $HTTP_POST_VARS["where_value"];
$delete_sure = $HTTP_POST_VARS["delete_sure"];
$insert_duplication = $HTTP_POST_VARS["insert_duplication"];
$sql = $HTTP_POST_VARS["sql"];
$page = $HTTP_POST_VARS["page"];
Hope Eugenio or someone else can point me to the right direction on this.
After moving my database(mysql 3.23) and DaDaBIK from a Win2K/apache fat32 workstation to a Win2K/apache ntfs server, error messages(see bellow) are displayed throughout the pages but the functionality doesn’t seem to be affected by it. I can still insert/search/delete records without any problem. I am running PHP 4.1.2. Is there anything I could have overlooked during setup?
Warning: Undefined index: type_mailing in header.php on line 19
<body <?php if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["type_mailing"] == "labels") echo "leftmargin=\"0\" topmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" onload=\"javascript:alert('".$normal_messages_ar["print_warning"]."')\""?>>
Warning: Undefined variable: mail_feature in index.php on line 24
<?php if ($mail_feature == 1){ ?>
Warning: Undefined index: page in form.php on line 21->26
$where_field = $HTTP_POST_VARS "where_field"];
$where_value = $HTTP_POST_VARS["where_value"];
$delete_sure = $HTTP_POST_VARS["delete_sure"];
$insert_duplication = $HTTP_POST_VARS["insert_duplication"];
$sql = $HTTP_POST_VARS["sql"];
$page = $HTTP_POST_VARS["page"];