Email not getting field info


I have created a custom button, and it works fine - it displays on the record page and sends the email once clicked.
I have a problem that when I send the email, it doesn't include the details of the record - I can get it to send with the record ID, eg 1, but not the actual details of the field.
I have at the top of the code
function dadabik_send_order($table_name, $where_field, $where_value) {
global $conn;

// Get the username of the logged-in user
$current_user = $_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']["id_user"];

and I have tried sql query to get the record info, but it doesn't show. Also I cannot get the details to show of the user's email address to add to the "from" and "reply to" field?


Hi, thanks deep64blue. This is the code, it worked before I put in the sql query, but now, the email doesn't send and I dont the message, I know the way I have put the sql query to get the fields is wrong, but I don't know how, or what to change:

$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['type'] = 'php_standard';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['callback_function'] = 'dadabik_send_order';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['permission_needed'] = 'read';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['show_in'][] = 'details_page';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['position_form'] = 'top';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['label_type'] = 'fixed';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['label'] = 'CLICK HERE TO ORDER';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['style'] = 'background:#c76128;width:200px';
$custom_buttons['Hoses'][$cnt]['id'] = 'order_now_button';

function dadabik_send_order($table_name, $where_field, $where_value) {
global $conn;

// Get the username of the logged-in user
$current_user = $_SESSION['logged_user_infos_ar']["id_user"];

// Get the hose_id from the current record
$query = "SELECT hose_id FROM Hoses WHERE id = :where_value";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam(':where_value', $where_value);
$hose_id = $stmt->fetchColumn();

// Get the email address of the logged-in user
$query = "SELECT email FROM dadabik_users WHERE id_user = :email_user";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam(':email_user', $current_user);
$email = $stmt->fetchColumn();

// Set the recipient email address
$recipientEmail = '';

// Set the subject of the email
$subject = 'New inquiry';

// Set the message body
$message = "Hose ID: $hose_id\n";
$message .= "User Email: $email_user\n";

// Set the headers
$headers = "From:\r\n";

// Send the email
$mailSent = mail($recipientEmail, $subject, $message, $headers);

// Check if the email was sent successfully
if ($mailSent) {
echo 'Email sent successfully.';
} else {
echo 'Failed to send email.';

// Add code for returning to the previous page
echo '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Return to previous page</a>';


Hi I'm going to re word this question and try again , I can't see how to delete the original question :(
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