Dinamically filter the content of a select_multiple_checkbox


New member
Hello you all.
I hope someone of you can help me to solve the below problem (I'm not at expert).
I've form based on fields present in 'activities' table.
One of this field is called 'project' and it is a select_multiple_checkbox field connected to the content of 'project' table.
Inside 'project' table I have a FK of 'customer' table.

The same FK of the 'customer' table is present in one of the 'activities' field.

Now the problem:

In the select_multiple_checkbox I would like to use the 'where' option to dinamically filter the content of the select according the FK currently present in the form (like 'select * from customer where customer_id=:customer_id' where :customer_id is the current value of 'customer' field present in the form).

Since the fk customer_id field is present in both tables, 'activities' and 'project' can it be used as reference for the where condition of the select_multiple_checkbox field? Is this possible? How can I do this ?

I hope I was clear in the my explaination.

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