Design of the input form


New member

i'd like to change the layout of the data-insert form.

The table I use has several fields with similar names like

street1, street2, ...streetn

At the moment each has its one line with its own hint and descritption. I desire to design it like this:

If fieldnames are strucutured like described, the inputform should only use the hint and description of field1. Additional the formfields should appear in one line (let's say in groups by 5 or sth...), not in a column.

Now, there's my question: As I'm not to familiar with dadabik yet, I don't even know where to put the code and how it could look like...

Any suggestions?

Thx a lot,

(hoping you understand my english)



Well-known member
You will have to modify the 'insert' and 'edit' ('update'?) cases of function build_form in include/business_logic.php. The function takes an array of fields (all the table's fields) as input and builds the form as a two-columned table - the first one for the field label (e.g., 'Address') and the second one for another single-row table (the form input - textfield, etc. - and the hint).