Custom Button to Email a Group


New member
I know this is super basic, but I just don't know much about JavaScript. (I'm an old hand at C/C++ and I've taught myself some PHP, definitely not a seasoned web developer).

My application helps me manage my docket (I'm a patent attorney). I have a form that has "Cases" with a list of one or more Inventors linked to each Case. My database includes the inventor email addresses. I have a custom PHP function that takes a $case_id, and returns a link like <a href="mailto: [inventor_list]?subject=[subject]">Email Inventors</a>. This function works great on my custom dashboard, which shows me items currently due.

I want to add a custom button to my Cases form, "Email Inventors," so I can auto-generate an email to the inventors if the case isn't currently on my dashboard. I have added the button, and I can use a PHP callback to get the link, but then I'm not sure what to do with it. I think what I need to do is use a JavaScript callback instead to open the link. But looking at the documentation, the JavaScript callback doesn't seem to get the $case_id like the PHP callback.

Again, I am a total moron with JavaScripts, so maybe I'm missing something obvious. Is there a way for the JavaScript callback to get the $case_id, call the PHP function that returns the link, and then open the link?

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You are using DaDaBIK version 11.9-Elba enterprise, installed on 05-15-2023 (installation code: 1811062e2f139af96e), the latest version of DaDaBIK is 11.9-Elba released on 03-23-2023

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System info​

PHP Version: 8.1.19

mysql version: 10.8.8-MariaDB-1:10.8.8+maria~ubu2204

Web server: Apache/2.4.56 (Debian)

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0


New member
I couldn't figure out how to make JavaScript work. As far as I could tell, I couldn't even get the button to call the JavaScript function (I even stripped it down to
alert("You clicked the email button");
... and nothing happened).

But I found a solution. It's not a good solution, but it gets there, if inelegantly.

At the end of the PHP callback, I simply added:

$link = [call to my PHP function to build the link];
echo $link.

This overwrites the whole page, so that the only thing displayed is a blank page with a hyperlink that says "Email Inventors." If I click that link, it opens my email client with the right addresses, subject, etc.

Not pretty, not elegant, not "production ready," but functional.

If anybody has a better solution, I'd still love to hear it.


New member
I figured it out.

I don't know how, but I finally got it to call the correct JavaScript callback. (Maybe it was a caching issue or something).

This is the JavaScript callback that the button calls:
function dadabik_js_email_inventors()
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

var case_id = document.getElementsByName('id_case')[0].value;
console.log("Email inventors for case ID " + case_id);

    var url = "index.php?function=show_static_page&id_static_page=1";
    url += "&_cp_case_id=" + case_id;
xhr.onload = function(){
        target = this.responseText;
        console.log("Full response was: " + target);
        console.log("Target is: " + target);
window.location.href = target;


(One node: "id_case" is the primary index in my Cases table. It auto-increments and I had the field disabled on my forms in the Permissions, but I had to make it "Yes, But Disabled" so that it was visible. It's the only way I could find to pass that value to my JavaScript callback function.)

The URL is just the link to my Dashboard, which is my homepage, but it can actually be a call to any page on my site, because I put the PHP handler into header.php. I needed the code in the header so I could put it first, call it, and then get out without printing a bunch of other HTML as my output.

I put the actual code into a file called handle_cp_codes.php, and added the following lines to header.php, at the top (but within the <?php tag):

(For those who are clueless like me, $_GET is a global variable in all PHP code that is an associative array of GET codes in the URL).

handle_cp_codes.php has the following function:
function _cp_handle_get($get)
    $getcode = "_cp_case_id";

    $_cp_response = null;

    if (array_key_exists($getcode, $get)) {
        $case_id = htmlspecialchars($get[$getcode]);

        if ($case_id == null) {
            $_SESSION['Error'] = "Malformed request. Requested emails, but no Case ID provided.";
            exit("Malformed Request. No Case Id provided.");
        } else {
            $_cp_response = _dm_get_email_target($case_id); //my utility function that gets an email list by case_id
        exit(  $_cp_response ); //write out the target, and exit. Kills the rest of the page.
    } // end of process GET codes


Since this is at the top of the header, if any call to the page has the GET code, this function processes the GET code, and then exits, using $_cp_repsonse as the output of the page. Since we exit, there's no additional code on the page, and we just get the email list I wanted.

Not only is this useful for my specific use case, but (after spending way too long tinkering with this), I finally figured out how to do AJAX on Dadabik. If I later have more get codes, I can break them down. Like I can do ?_need_cp=true&_cp_function=email_inventors&_cp_case_id=109

Then I can check for _need_cp, and if it's found use a case statement to decide which function we're doing, and use other GET codes to provide any necessary parameters.

Now I have a button on my Cases edit and details screens that says "Email Inventors." If I click on the button, it launches an email in Outlook addressed to all the inventors with a subject line that has the correct docket numbers and is marked attorney-client privileged and confidential. Exactly what I wanted.
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