

DaDaBIK Guru

Is there any way to use CONCAT to merge two columns and show the value in a new one? I tried using the SQL Default Value but this returns the value of the first row only.

I also tried a trigger but so far it failed.

Maybe a custom function?

Thanks for a hint.



This is my setup:

You are using DaDaBIK version 6.3 ENTERPRISE, installed on 11.09.2015, the last version of DaDaBIK is 7.0 released on 05.10.2015

You are not running the last release of DaDaBIK, the release you are running might have bugs and security holes, see the official change log for further information. You can upgrade DaDaBIK here.

PHP Version: 5.4.39-0+deb7u2

mysql version: 5.5.44-0+deb7u1

Web server: Apache

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/601.2.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.1 Safari/601.2.7


Staff member
Hello Juergen,
I think the way to follow is the formatting function approach. At the moment, however, DaDaBIK takes in input for a formatting function just the value of the field to format and not the values of the other fields; starting from the next release, custom formatting functions will get in input also $records_row, the associative array containing the values of all the other fields.


DaDaBIK Guru
Hi, Eugenio

Thanks for your reply. What do mean with "next release", v7? I purchased 7 but did not updated the related application yet.




Staff member
Hello Juergen,
v. 7.0 doesn't provide this feature, I meant the next (upcoming) one.


If you ever plan on using views with multiple tables that you wish to edit, I recommend you update the update_record function in business_logic.php with my modification. You'll have to update it everytime you add a new view that is comprised of multiple tables, but it will let you update a record with values from multiple tables. The only issue with this is that the last field position on dadabik cannot be a computated/concat field. Otherwise, you shouldn't run into any issues. I'm going to insert the entire function, but you should look at the places where it mentions [AVF], that'll be the parts that you'll be interested in. When adding new views to the list, you'll need to update AVF P1 and AVF P2. Hope it helps, and remember to make a backup before editing these files!

// [UNU] Modified User name to update on any modifications
function update_record($_FILES_2, $_POST_2, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type)
// goal: insert a new record in the main database
// input $_FILES_2 (needed for the name of the files), $_POST_2 (the array containing all the values inserted in the form, $fields_labels_ar, $table_name, $table_internal_name, $where_field, $where_value, $update_type (internal or external)
// output: nothing
// global: $ext_updated_field, the field in which we set if a field has been updated
global $conn, $ext_updated_field, $current_user, $quote, $upload_directory, $null_checkbox_prefix, $year_field_suffix, $month_field_suffix, $day_field_suffix, $hours_field_suffix, $minutes_field_suffix, $seconds_field_suffix, $prefix_internal_table, $field_type_for_date, $treat_blank_as_null;
$uploaded_file_names_count = 0;

// get the post variables of the form
reset ($_POST_2);
while (list($key, $value) = each ($_POST_2)){
$$key = $value;
} // end while

case "internal":
//$field_to_check = "present_insert_form_field";
$field_to_check = "present_edit_form_field";
case "external":
$field_to_check = "present_ext_update_form_field";
} // end switch

// build the update statement
// [AVF] 7/21/2015 Adding functionality for views to update fields one by one to get around limitation of updating only one table at a time.
$sql = "";
$sql .= "UPDATE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." SET ";

$count_temp = count($fields_labels_ar);
for ($i=0; $i<$count_temp; $i++){
if ($table_name == 'view_master_oct_file' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_fit_sample' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_pp_sample' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_tests' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_gcc_price_ticket' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_endwork' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_trim' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_basic' || $table_name == 'factory_cost_edit') { // clearing the $sql and forming new query for [AVF]
$sql = "";
$sql .= "UPDATE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." SET ";
display_sql('AVF Functionality Triggered: Iteration '.$i.' of '.$count_temp);
// [AVF] End P1/3 of modification
$field_name_temp = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"];
// I use isset for select_multiple because could be unset
//if ($fields_labels_ar[$i][$field_to_check] == "1" && isset($_POST_2[$field_name_temp]) or $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] == "update_date"){ // if the field is in the form or need to be inserted because it's an update data

// no, since I don't handle select_multiple anymore, I delete isset, and anyway it was not correct because for a file $_POST_2[$field_name_temp] is not set
if ($fields_labels_ar[$i][$field_to_check] == "1" or $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] == "update_date" or $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] == "ID_user"){ // if the field is in the form or need to be inserted because it's an update data

if (isset($_POST_2[$null_checkbox_prefix.$field_name_temp]) && $_POST_2[$null_checkbox_prefix.$field_name_temp] === '1') { // NULL checkbox selected
display_sql('null checkbox selected');
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = NULL, "; // add the NULL value to the sql statement
} // end if
elseif ( ( !isset($_POST_2[$field_name_temp]) || $_POST_2[$field_name_temp] == '') && $treat_blank_as_null === 1 && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] !== 'generic_file' && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] !== 'image_file' && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] !== 'update_date' && $fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"] !== 'ID_user') { // is blank but treat it as NULL
display_sql('Blank but treat as null location');
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = NULL, "; // add the NULL value to the sql statement
} // end if
else {
switch ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["type_field"]){
case "generic_file":
case "image_file":
$file_name = unescape($_FILES_2[$field_name_temp]['name']);
if ($treat_blank_as_null === 1 && $file_name === ''){

if (isset($_POST_2[$field_name_temp.'_file_uploaded_delete'])) { // the user want to delete a file previoulsy uploaded
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = NULL, "; // add the NULL value to the sql statement

if ( $file_name != '') { // the user has selected a new file to upload

$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement

$file_name = get_valid_name_uploaded_file($file_name, 0);

$sql .= "'".escape($file_name)."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement

// rename the temp name of the uploaded file
copy ($upload_directory.'dadabik_tmp_file_'.$file_name, $upload_directory.$file_name);

if (isset($_POST_2[$field_name_temp.'_file_uploaded_delete'])) { // the user want to delete a file previoulsy uploaded
} // end if
elseif (isset($_POST_2[$field_name_temp.'_file_uploaded_delete'])) { // the user want to delete a file previoulsy uploaded
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
case "select_multiple_menu":
case "select_multiple_checkbox":
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'";
if (isset($_POST_2[$fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]])){ // otherwise the user hasn't checked any options
$count_temp_2 = count($_POST_2[$field_name_temp]);
for ($j=0; $j<$count_temp_2; $j++){
$sql .= $fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"].$_POST_2[$field_name_temp][$j];// add the field value to the sql statement
} // end for
$sql .= $fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"]; // add the last separator
$sql .= "', ";
case "update_date":
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
//$sql .= "'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."', "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= format_date_for_dbms(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')).", "; // add the field name to the sql statement
case "ID_user":
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = ";// add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'".$current_user."', "; // add the field name to the sql statement
case "date":
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement

if ($field_type_for_date === 'date_picker'){
$sql .= format_date_for_dbms($_POST_2[$field_name_temp]).", "; // add the field value to the sql statement
$field_name_temp = $field_name_temp;
$year_field = $field_name_temp.$year_field_suffix;
$month_field = $field_name_temp.$month_field_suffix;
$day_field = $field_name_temp.$day_field_suffix;

$mysql_date_value = $_POST_2[$year_field]."-".$_POST_2[$month_field]."-".$_POST_2[$day_field];
//$sql .= "'".$mysql_date_value."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
$sql .= format_date_for_dbms($mysql_date_value).", "; // add the field value to the sql statement

case "date_time":
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement

if ($field_type_for_date === 'date_picker'){
$sql .= format_date_time_for_dbms($_POST_2[$field_name_temp]).", "; // add the field value to the sql statement
$field_name_temp = $field_name_temp;
$year_field = $field_name_temp.$year_field_suffix;
$month_field = $field_name_temp.$month_field_suffix;
$day_field = $field_name_temp.$day_field_suffix;

$hours_field = $field_name_temp.$hours_field_suffix;
$minutes_field = $field_name_temp.$minutes_field_suffix;
$seconds_field = $field_name_temp.$seconds_field_suffix;

$mysql_date_time_value = $_POST_2[$year_field]."-".$_POST_2[$month_field]."-".$_POST_2[$day_field]." ".$_POST_2[$hours_field].":".$_POST_2[$minutes_field].":".$_POST_2[$seconds_field];
//$sql .= "'".$mysql_date_value."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
$sql .= format_date_time_for_dbms($mysql_date_time_value).", "; // add the field value to the sql statement

case 'select_single':
$field_name_other_temp = $field_name_temp."_other____";

if ($fields_labels_ar[$i]["other_choices_field"] == "1" and $_POST_2[$field_name_temp] == "......" and $_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp] != ""){ // insert the "other...." choice

$primary_key_field_field = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_field_field"];
if ($primary_key_field_field != ""){
$linked_fields_ar = explode($fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"], $fields_labels_ar[$i]["linked_fields_field"]);

$primary_key_field_field = insert_other_field($fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_db_field"], $fields_labels_ar[$i]["primary_key_table_field"], $linked_fields_ar[0], $_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp]);
if (substr_custom($foreign_key_temp, 0, 4) != "SQL:"){ // with arbitrary sql statement the insert in the primary key table is not supported yet

insert_other_field($foreign_key_temp, $_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp]);

} // end if
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'".$primary_key_field_field."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
} // end if ($foreign_key_temp != "")
else{ // no foreign key field
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'".$_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp]."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
if (strpos_custom($fields_labels_ar[$i]["select_options_field"], $fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"].unescape($_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp]).$fields_labels_ar[$i]["separator_field"]) === false){ // the other field inserted is not already present in the $fields_labels_ar[$i]["select_options_field"] so we have to add it

update_options($fields_labels_ar[$i], $field_name_temp, $_POST_2[$field_name_other_temp]);

// re-get the array containg label ant other information about the fields changed with the above instruction
$fields_labels_ar = build_fields_labels_array($table_internal_name, "1");
} // end if
} // end else
} // end if
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'".$_POST_2[$field_name_temp]."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
} // end else

default: // textual field
$sql .= $quote.$field_name_temp.$quote." = "; // add the field name to the sql statement
$sql .= "'".$_POST_2[$field_name_temp]."', "; // add the field value to the sql statement
} // end switch
} // end else
} // end if
//Functionality for [AVF]
if ($table_name == 'view_master_oct_file' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_fit_sample' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_pp_sample' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_tests' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_gcc_price_ticket' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_endwork' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_trim' || $table_name == 'view_oct_file_basic' || $table_name == 'factory_cost_edit')
if ($sql != 'UPDATE `view_master_oct_file` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_fit_sample` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_pp_sample` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_tests` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_gcc_price_ticket` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_endwork` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_trim` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `view_oct_file_basic` SET ' && $sql != 'UPDATE `factory_cost_edit` SET ') {
$sql = substr_custom($sql, 0, -2); // delete the last two characters: ", "
$sql .= " where ".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
$res_update = execute_db($sql, $conn);
// End Part 2/3 of [AVF]
} // end for
display_sql('Ending for loop');
// Clean up if statement functionality for [AVF]
if ($table_name != 'view_master_oct_file' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_fit_sample' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_pp_sample' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_tests' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_gcc_price_ticket' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_endwork' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_trim' && $table_name != 'view_oct_file_basic' && $table_name != 'factory_cost_edit') {
$sql = substr_custom($sql, 0, -2); // delete the last two characters: ", "
$sql .= " where ".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";
// End Part 3/3 of [AVF]
// end build the update statement


// hack for static pages
if ($table_name === $prefix_internal_table.'static_pages' && $_POST_2['is_homepage_static_page'] === 'y'){

$sql_2 = "update ".$quote.$prefix_internal_table."static_pages".$quote." set is_homepage_static_page = 'n'";

$res_update = execute_db($sql_2, $conn);

// update the record
$res_update = execute_db($sql, $conn);

// enterprise
log_operation('update', $sql);

if ($update_type == "external"){

$sql = "UPDATE ".$quote.$table_name.$quote." SET ".$quote.$ext_updated_field.$quote." = '1' WHERE ".$quote.$where_field.$quote." = '".$where_value."'";


// update the record
$res_update = execute_db($sql, $conn);
} // end if
} // end function update_record