Colored Validation


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I got custom_functions to validate a field but does anyone have any ideas on how to get validation to highlight the field in red when it is incorrectly entered?

Thanks again,


OK I got it.

Heavy digging and I got it to highlight a field which doesn't pass validation and on top of that I also made it so that it jumps to the field which doesn't pass validation (which is now colored red).

Probably other ways to do it but this is how I did it.
I created a new table called dadabik_errors with a single field called validation_error (possibly there is a way to do it in sessions)

In business_logic.php: Changed below to make the edit form update submission include an anchor I put on the field which doesn't validate:
$form .= "<form class=\"css_form\" id=\"dadabik_main_form\" name=\"contacts_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"".$action."?table_name=".urlencode($table_name)."&function=".$function.$form_querystring_temp."\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
$form .= "<form class=\"css_form\" id=\"dadabik_main_form\" name=\"contacts_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"".$action."?table_name=".urlencode($table_name)."&function=".$function.$form_querystring_temp."#error_anchor\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";

In business_logic.php:Changed below to highlight hint area red if record in dadabik_errors matches the current row:
$form .= "<td class=\"td_hint_form\" style=\"background:red;\">  ".$fields_labels_ar[$i]["hint_insert_field"]."<a name=\"error_anchor\">*</a></td>"; // display the insert hint if it's the insert form
$sql = "SELECT validation_error FROM dadabik_errors";
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
if ($result['validation_error'] === $fields_labels_ar[$i]["name_field"]){
$form .= "<td class=\"td_hint_form\" style=\"background:red;\">  ".$fields_labels_ar[$i]["hint_insert_field"]."<a name=\"error_anchor\">*</a></td>"; // display the insert hint if it's the insert form
$form .= "<td class=\"td_hint_form\">  ".$fields_labels_ar[$i]["hint_insert_field"]."</td>"; // display the insert hint if it's the insert form
In business_logic.php in the function check_fields_types changed below:
global $year_field_suffix, $month_field_suffix, $day_field_suffix, $null_checkbox_prefix, $field_type_for_date;
global $conn, $year_field_suffix, $month_field_suffix, $day_field_suffix, $null_checkbox_prefix, $field_type_for_date;
and in that same function below changed:
if ($check === false){
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["custom_validation_function_field"];
if ($check === false){
$check = 0;
$content_error_type = $fields_labels_ar[$i]["custom_validation_function_field"];
$sql = "INSERT INTO dadabik_errors (validation_error) VALUES('".$validation_error_field."')";
$res = execute_db($sql, $conn);
$sql="DELETE FROM dadabik_errors";
$res = execute_db($sql,$conn);

In index.php: Changed below to clear out dadabik_errors table on returning to the search screen
case "search":
case "search":
$res = execute_db("DELETE FROM dadabik_errors",$conn);

And I think that was it. I hope that helps someone and maybe in the next version we can get that added hehe :)