Checkboxes and searches


Phill Evans


I have a one-table mySQL database of contacts which I am developing at I would like to have new browsers add their organisation details including a series of tick boxes (to identify services offered etc).

I would also like for customers to be able to search for agecnies by area/town and by services offered. I have tried using the select_single option, with ~NO~YES~ set on select_options, but I get an error message when I try a search.

As I am entirely new to this (bravo to DADABIK developers for enabling me to get *this* far!!) I would appreciate any advice or links to relevant tutorials etc.


Phill Evans
StreetUK Internet Resource
A Developing Database Of Homeless Agencies in the UK


Phill Evans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a one-table mySQL database of contacts which I am
> developing at I would like
> to have new browsers add their organisation details including
> a series of tick boxes (to identify services offered etc).
> I would also like for customers to be able to search for
> agecnies by area/town and by services offered. I have tried
> using the select_single option, with ~NO~YES~ set on
> select_options, but I get an error message when I try a search.
> As I am entirely new to this (bravo to DADABIK developers for
> enabling me to get *this* far!!) I would appreciate any
> advice or links to relevant tutorials etc.

Please provide further information (e.g. the error messge).
It seems that you have removed the page index.php so I can't try your application.


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)