Can't upload files, detailed info provided in post, please help


Eric G.

Hello. Thank you for your very useful program. I'm having major problems with file uploading. I get an error message every time I attempt to upload a file (see message below). I've made sure I have the correct uploads path in the config.php file. I've also made sure to have proper permissions on the uploads folder on the web server. And I've made sure to configure the field within Dadabik as generic_file. I've tried uploading Word docs and text files, but nothing works. The only thing I can think of is that I set up the field incorrectly in MySQL, which I know very little about. Here's how I set the field up using MySQLMan (which I got from

Type: longblob
Null: yes

Here are the two error messages I keep getting with each upload attempt. For security reasons I have changed some path information:

Warning: Unable to create '/home/mydomain/public_html/dadabik/uploads/frunlog.txt': Permission denied in /include/business_logic.php on line 643

Warning: Unable to move '/var/tmp/phpGVaaQJ' to '/home/mydomain/public_html/dadabik/uploads/frunlog.txt' in /include/business_logic.php on line 643
An error occurred uploading a file.

In looking at line 643 of the business_logic.php file, it appears that by line 643, two checks have successfully passed: the file extension of the file is OK, and the file size is OK.

Thank you for your assistance.


Can you write to the directory? CHMOD it to the correct mode.


Eric G. wrote:

> Type: longblob
> Null: yes

The field can be a simple varchar, because in the DB DaDaBIK stores just the name of the file.

> Here are the two error messages I keep getting with each
> upload attempt. For security reasons I have changed some
> path information:
> Warning: Unable to create
> '/home/mydomain/public_html/dadabik/uploads/frunlog.txt':
> Permission denied in /include/business_logic.php on line 643

It's a permissions proble, be sure that the Apache/IIS/...... user have the write permission *also* on the temporary upload folder that PHP use o (see php.ini for further information).


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)