Cannot upload larger file sizes, despite being under $max_upload_file_size


New member
I have a strange issue when uploading files, particularly larger image files. I have followed the documentation as best I can and have the following configured in the custom config...

$enable_uploads = 1;
$allowed_file_exts_ar[0] = 'jpg';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[1] = 'gif';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[2] = 'tif';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[3] = 'tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[4] = 'png';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[0] = 'image/jpg';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[1] = 'image/gif';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[2] = 'image/tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[3] = 'image/tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[4] = 'image/png';
$max_upload_file_size = 20971520;

I can upload small files (sub 1mb) fine with no problem and the system reports "File uploaded! The file will replace the current one (if any) after saving the form.", but larger images just simply return the error "An error occurred when uploading a file.", despite my max_upload_file_size being ~20mb.

Clearly my other config & permissions are fine as it will allow smaller files to be uploaded without issue. Is there somewhere else I need to specify a maximum file size?

System info​

You are using DaDaBIK version 11.11-Elba enterprise, installed on 2023-11-06 17:34:17

PHP Version:

mysql version: 10.11.4-MariaDB-1~deb12u1

Web server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)

Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36


New member
I'm not sure where I'd find that deep64blue. Does Dadabik have a specific location for logs?

I've checked /var/log/apache2 and can't see any meaningful errors in there. Your help is appreciated, thank you.