Basic Dadabik configuration



This is the message I get when I run the index.php on the Multimania server. It appears that the script cannot open "ogaid" table in the "teacherguy_db" database. I've been looking in admin.php file for source of error message. How does Dadabik know that I want to open the "ogaid" mySQL table???????

It is impossible to run DaDaBIK, possible reasons:
- no tables installed or
- you have decided to exclude all the tables from the DaDaBIK

Please go tho the administration interface.

Voici ma configuration (config.php) :

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// please specify
at least the following parameters
// select MySQL server host
$host = "localhost"; // e.g. "localhost" if DaDaBIK and MySQL run on
the same computer

// select database user
$user = "teacherguy"; // this user must have the right permission in
order to create tables e.g. "root"

// select database password
// $pass = "blabla";

$pass = "";

// $db_name="ogaid";

// select database name
$db_name = "teacherguy_db";

//////////////////////////////////////////////////// please specify
at least the above parameters

// select internal table name
//$prefix_internal_table = "dadabik_2_"; // you can leave this option
as is
// select internal table name
$prefix_internal_table = "ogaid"; // you can leave this option as is

//$table_internal_name = $prefix_internal_table.$table_name; // you
can leave this option as is


Kiley wrote:
> This is the message I get when I run the index.php on the
> Multimania server. It appears that the script cannot open
> "ogaid" table in the "teacherguy_db" database. I've been
> looking in admin.php file for source of error message. How
> does Dadabik know that I want to open the "ogaid" mySQL
> table???????

Probably you haven't installed DaDaBIK (install.php).


(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 2.2.1)