Attack 02 without sorting-problem


Well-known member
Hello there,

i ve been working with Dadabik for about. year and about 30 Tables and 20 Views. Now I am working on a bunch of complex reports for which I created Views. they will be added as pages in Dadabik like others too....

My actual View works well but causes an Attack 02-Error when working local with my internal IP. Starting the same View from the internet works well. I fear it could be the old Webadresse in the settings I couldn't find and correct anymore :-(

Anyone who give me a hint? I add the Source of the View at the end of the message.

Kind Regards and a happy new year.



`tpv`.id_Pr_Vergabe AS `id_Pr_Vergabe`,
`tpv`.`Vergabenummer` AS `Vergabenummer`,
`tpv`.`Datum` AS `Datum`,
`so`.`full_short_path` AS `Einheit`,
`sogr`.`Bezeichnung` AS `Einheit-Gruppiert`,
`sp`.`Name2` AS `Pruefer`,
`tpv`.`Leistungsart` AS `Leistungsart`,
`tpv`.`Vorkalkulationssumme` AS `Vorkalkulationssumme`,
`tpv`.`Vergabeordnung` AS `Vergabeordnung`,
`tpv`.`Vergabeart` AS `Vergabeart`,
`tpv`.`Vergabesumme` AS `Vergabesumme`,
`tpv`.`geprüft` AS `geprueft`,
`tpv`.`Feststellungen` AS `Feststellungen`
(((`tbl_Pr_Vergaben` `tpv`
left join `select_Pruefer` `sp` on
(`tpv`.`fk_Pruefer` = `sp`.`id_Pruefer`))
left join `select_Organisationseinheit` `so` on
(`tpv`.`fk_Einheit` = `so`.`id_oe`))
left join `select_Organisationseinheit` `sogr` on
(`f_get_oe_group`(`tpv`.`fk_Einheit`) = `sogr`.`id_oe`))
`tpv`.`Datum` between `f_get_config`('Auswertung_TB_von') and `f_get_config`('Auswertung_TB_bis')