[08] Error: during query execution


Anyone ever see this message?
[08] Error: during query execution.. Well I enabled debugging and in the query statement I noticed that a field which i set up as URL with a default value of http:// is flagging as not being valid when the user doesn't fill in the value but when i check off NULL it gives this Error.

How do I either change the particular NULL checkbox into a value of "" or how else would I handle this issue.. any idea?


DaDaBIK Guru
Please post all the debugging information posted to your screen OR provide a link where we can view this error first hand.



[08] Error: during query execution.
INSERT INTO `table1` (`LastName`, `FirstName`, `Occupation`, `Born`, `Education`, `Career`, `Awards`, `Achievements`, `Family`, `Address`, `Photo`) VALUES ('test1', 'test2', '', NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
DBMS server said: Column 'Born' cannot be null


DaDaBIK Guru
Have you tried just removing the default text from that field which would leave the field blank if user does not enter anything?

Sorry I can't be more help, without seeing your installation via browser I'm guessing.



Thanks, if the user manually erases the default text in the field then all is OK. If they check the NULL box then it errors as shown.. Will be looking at that issue again soon.. Will maybe set up a sample site for you to see in the next couple days



Around line 2266 in business logic the original value being added when a NULL checkbox was being added was "NULL" as shown here:

$sql .= "NULL, "; // add the NULL value to the sql statement

I replaced it with the alternative:

$sql .= "'', "; // add the NULL value to the sql statement.

Thanks Debbie :)