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  1. T

    The old upgrade procedure will probably be abandoned in V. 12

    Hello, We have never been able to get the 'up.php' upgrade method to work - it throws an error at phase 3/4 (unpaking the ZIP file). This is likely a file/folder permissions issue, but we have not been able to resolve this despite several attempts since the 'up.php' method was first introduced...
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    Custom Button function to return Grid Results for an SQL SELECT * WHERE search

    Thanks for the response 'M', Unfortunately, using a CUSTOM_FILTER ($filter) does not permit the filtering of multiple fields with logical operators (AND, OR) set in the $sql statement. I have now given up on this and will wait until the pending DadaBik feature suggestion...
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    Custom Button function to return Grid Results for an SQL SELECT * WHERE search

    Hello Forum, Full disclosure: I am not a PHP programmer by any stretch of the imagination, but I am able to work my way through most PHP code examples created by the professionals to determine what in their code example requires changing to fit my application. However, I have spent many hours...
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    Grid view PDF template error

    Hello, I have the exact same problem. The three templates produce a PDF in DETAIL view, but not in GRID view returning a new browser window with "Error template heading". DaDaBIK version 10.1-Manarola platinum PHP Version: 7.2.29 mysql version: 5.5.5-10.3.21-MariaDB Web server: Apache/2.4.43...
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    PDF barcode (DadaBik field for TCPDF php function)

    Hi Eugenio, That is a shame. As TCPDF can generate barcodes from text I assumed it would be a simple matter to pass the value from a DaDaBik field/record to the TCPDF php function via the template php file. By example, the following php template snippet works to provide a barcode of the current...
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    PDF barcode (DadaBik field for TCPDF php function)

    Hello, We are trying to add a barcode representation of a field value in a PDF label produced from a single record detail view. The barcode will be generated using TCPDF's 'write1DBarcode()' function which is installed in the PDF template php file's 'pdf_custom_code_after_addpage($pdf)'...
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    PDF page size for labels

    Hello Eugenio, That works well - thank you. So, to create a label and alter the PRODUCE PDF output to be a specific size (for something like a label): (1) Create a custom .html file template for your label and save in '../templates'; ie. '../templates/name_label_template.html'. In this file...
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    PDF page size for labels

    Hello Eugenio, Thanks for the reply. As I see it there is no page format/orientation parameters in the set_standard_pdf_parameters function so we pasted the complete 'setPageFormat' function from '../tcpdf/tcpdf.php' into our '../templates/custom_template.php' file with edits to use our...
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    PDF page size for labels

    Hello, We are trying to create a custom PDF template HTML file and associated PHP file to be able to print the detailed view of a single record on a single label using a label printer (label/page size 101mm x 54mm). Page size definition does not seem to be available in the...