Search results

  1. E

    Changing the whole look of Dadabik without changing header.php

    Is there a way in Dadabik 6.3 to change the whole look the way Dadabik databse is displayed with the menus and everything else without changing header.php? Originally in Dadabik 4.2 I had to modify header.php and footer.php, but now those files don't work anymore, because all of the code inside...
  2. E

    PHP files with capital letters in the names

    I noticed a potential issue which you might want to address in the next revision of Dadabik. If you extract the Dadabik install in Windows from the ZIP file and then upload all of the files to the server using FTP, Windows changes all capital letters in the file names to small letters. And...
  3. E

    Blank Admin and Index Pages

    Hi. I was running the free Dadabik 4 for the past 5 years. But my server provider upgraded to PHP 5.5 and it stopped working. So I purchased the latest Pro version of Dadabik 6.2 and installed a clean database, so I can start from scratch. The problem is after what seemed like a successful...
  4. E

    Dadabik Style Sheet does not load in Chrome

    I am having a very strange problem with the Dadabik page. It loads fine in every browser except for some installations of Chrome. On some computers it looks fine in Chrome as well. But in others it does not load the Dadabik Style sheet so all the fonts look weird and there is no background. It...
  5. E

    how to set results table column width?

    I am having trouble setting the column width in my results table and have it stay that way. The columns keep resizing themselves depending on how much text gets displayed in each field. It also seems to vary from browser to browser, because the width is not specified in the <TD> tags in the...
  6. E

    how to right justify values in table cells

    I would like so that certain columns in the table with the data are right justified as opposed to the default left justified. Where can I change that?
  7. E

    records per page sentence color problem

    I added the following paragraph to the CSS file in order to change the color of the "records per page" sentence. /* dropbox "records per page" sentence*/ .records_per_page { color: red; } However it does not change and remains the same as the rest of the text in the database. Can someone...
  8. E

    onClick Javascript function inside an HTML cell

    I have a certain cell in my database that I set in Dadabik to be executed as HTML and not just regular text. If I put there an <A HREF= ...><IMG ...></A> with an image everything works great. However if I add to the HREF tag an onClick or onMouseOver Javascript function call then it just ignores...
  9. E

    Single Search box to search all fields

    Hi. I would like to setup on the main dadabik webpage a search form with a single text box that would search through all fields in the database and return any record that CONTAINS the searched text in any of the fields. I want the search form to show up right above the main dadabik table so...
  10. E

    Hebrew characters display as question marks in the database fields

    Hello. I am using Dadabik 4.2 and MySQL database 5. There are fields in the database that are written in Hebrew and not in English. In the database itself everything looks fine. However when Dadabik reads them and displays that all get displayed as question marks (???????). The encoding that is...