Installation Issue

Good Afternoon,
I am a new Dadabik customer. I uploaded the files and the config.php file.
When I run the install.php file, my website opens to the home page with no dadabik output or error messages.

I am running the latest version of dadabik with a mysql database that is hosted on godaddy with my website.

Any ideas about why?



Staff member
I guess you have a parse error that your host doesn't show. Maybe you made some mistakes editing your config.php file? Could you try it locally?
I guess I don't understand what you mean by trying it locally. I am hosted on Godaddy and that is the only installation I have.

Do I need to install a local copy of mysql to try this suggestion?



Staff member
Yes, that's something you could do as a test, but even easier, you could post here your config.php file, changing the sensible info (user, password, ... )
Here is my config.php. Thanks for looking at it.

DaDaBIK (DaDaBIK is a DataBase Interfaces Kreator)
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Eugenio Tacchini

This program is distributed "as is" and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, either expressed or implied, without even the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

This program is distributed under the terms of the DaDaBIK license, which is included in this package (see dadabik_license.txt). At a glance, you can use this program and you can modifiy it to create a database application for you or for other people but you cannot redistribute the program files in any format. All the details, including examples, in dadabik_license.txt.

If you are unsure about what you are allowed to do with this license, feel free to contact
// this is the configuration file
// to install DaDaBIK you have to specify AT LEAST $dbms_type, $host, $db_name, $user, $pass, $site_url, $site_path, $timezone, $secret_key, $dadabik_session_name

// required installation parameters: please specify at least the following 10 parameters

// dbms type ('mysql' or 'postgres' or 'sqlite')
$dbms_type = 'mysql';

// DBMS server host
$host = ''; // the name or the IP of the host (computer) where the DBMS is running (e.g. '' if the DBMS is running locally); please try 'localhost' instead of '' if '' is not working; some Web Hosting providers can require a full name e.g.; for SQLite this parameter is not needed. For mysql and postgres you can also specify the port (if it's not the default one) separated from the host by a ":", e.g. "" to use the port 5431

// database name
$db_name = 'pricingdb'; // for SQLite not only the name but 1) the full path is also needed (e.g. '/my_databases/music_databases/songs.db') and 2) you need to grant to the Web server write permissions on the database file

// database user
$user = 'xxxxx'; // this user must have select, insert, update, delete permissions, create and drop permissions are also needed for installation, upgrade and administration area e.g. 'root'; for SQLite this parameter is not needed

// database password
$pass = 'xxxxx'; // for sqlite this parameter is not needed

// DaDaBIK complete url (e.g.
$site_url = '';

// DaDaBIK url path (e.g. if $site_url is this must be /john/dadabik/, put slashes at the beginning and at the end; put just one slash '/' if DaDaBIK is installed in the root of a Website, e.g. for a $site_url like *** PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT THE PHYSICAL PATH IT IS JUST THE LAST PART OF $site_url ***
$site_path = '/pricingdb/';

// timezone, specify here your timezone (a list of available timezone here:
$timezone = 'America/Ensenada';

// secret_key: a long (60+ characters), random and complicated phrase which is used to sign authentication cookies for this application and therefore improve authentication security; you don't need to remember this phrase
// please note that in order to benefit from this security mechanism you must choose a different secret_key for each DaDaBIK application you create and you must keep this value secret
$secret_key = 'xxxxx';

// dadabik_session_name: the name of the session for this DaDaBIK application, used to avoid unexpected and risky effects if other applications installed in the same domain make use of the same session variable names that this application uses
// it must contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters, with at least one letter and no blank spaces; its length must be less than 100 characters and must be different than $secret_key; you don't need to remember this name
// please note that in order to benefit from this security mechanism you must choose a name which is unique among session names used by other applications installed in the same domain
$dadabik_session_name = 'pricing';

// additional installation parameters

// prefix to use for the name of the tables created by DaDaBIK, all the tables created by DaDaBIK use this prefix
$prefix_internal_table = 'dadabik_'; // you can safety leave this option as is, you *must* leave this option as is after the installation

// language parameters

// choose the front-end language ('english', 'italian', 'german', 'dutch', 'spanish', 'french', 'portuguese', 'croatian', 'polish', 'catalan', 'estonian', 'rumanian', 'hungarian', 'slovak', 'swedish', 'russian', 'finnish' or czech)
$language = 'english';

// authentication and security parameters

// enable the users authentication (0|1). If you set 1, you have to login to use DaDaBIK
// by default DaDaBIK create an administrator user (username: root password: letizia) and a normal user (username: alfonso password: letizia); for security reasons please change both the passwords as soon as possible and never publish a DaDaBIK application having the default passwords
$enable_authentication = 1;

// number of times a user can type the wrong password before the account is blocked
// the failed login counter, before reaching maximum allowed number, is reset to 0 when the user correctly access the application using the right password (even from another IP/computer)
// If a user access a DaDaBIK application through a Wordpress authentication, this limit has no effect
// An admin user can re-enable a blocked user from the "edit" page of the user
$number_failed_login_before_blocking = 10;

// enable the Wordpress authentication (0|1). If DaDaBIK is integrated into a Wordpress website and $wordpress_authentication is 1, users authenticated through Wordpress are automatically authenticated into DaDaBIK too, without doing the log-in again. The Wordpress authentication feature requires that the DaDABIK application is installed in a subdirectory of the Wordpress site and that the same users (same username) is available both in Wordpress and DaDaBIK.
// please note that if $wordpress_authentication = 1, two users having the same username (one on Wordpress and one on DaDaBIK) can coexist and both access DaDaBIK as they were the same user, even if they have two different passwords
// please note that the Wordpress and DaDaBIK session expirations are not synchronized: if your session expires in Wordpress it doesn't mean it automatically expires in DaDaBIK. Use the logout button in Wordpress to be sure to disconnect to both Wordpress and DaDaBIK.
// If you enable the Wordpress authentication, you should login/logout through Wordpress without using DaDaBIK login/lougout; mixing Wordpress and DaDaBIK login/logout can lead to unexpected behaviours.
$wordpress_authentication = 1;

// enable granular permissions (0|1). Granular permissions allow you to set, for each users group, which operations (read, delete, update, create, details, search and quick search) are allowed on each form and field.
$enable_granular_permissions = 1;

// leave FALSE for better security in passowrd storage, change to TRUE for maximum application portability on old systems (see for further details)
$generate_portable_password_hash = FALSE;

// Use the id_group of the user, instead of the username, to fill ID_user fields (0|1)
$use_id_group_for_ownership = 0;

// deletion parameters

// enable delete all feature (delete operations must be enabled too, from the administration interface) (0|1)
$enable_delete_all_feature = 1;

// when a record is deleted, delete also the uploaded files related to that record (0|1)
$delete_files_when_delete_record = 1;

// ask confirmation before deleting a record? (0|1); note that this works just for the standard data grid, not for template data grids
$ask_confirmation_delete = 1;

// CSV parameters

// enable export to CSV for excel feature (0|1)
$export_to_csv_feature = 1;

// CSV separator
$csv_separator = ",";

// CSV file creation time limit (in seconds), in order to use it uncomment the line below by removing // and set the number of seconds. This feature makes use of the set_time_limit() function and has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode
//$csv_creation_time_limt = 30;

// null handling parameters

// set to 1 if you want to:
// 1) Treat empty form fields as NULL values during insert and update
// 2) View NULL values as empty form fields during edit
// $treat_blank_as_null = 1 should be the most user friendly option if your DaDaBIK application is used by non-technical users.
$treat_blank_as_null = 0;

// the word used to display a NULL content (could also be a blank string '', it is always a blank string in edit/insert forms if $treat_blank_as_null is 1)
$null_word = '';

// if $treat_blank_as_null is 0, for each field a NULL checkbox is displayed and allows to set the NULL value during insert/edit, unless you set $null_checkbox to 0. If you set $null_checkbox to 0 and $treat_blank_as_null to 0 there is no way to insert a NULL value as a field value of a record
// note that, if the record you are editing contains a NULL value for one or more fields, the NULL checboxes are displayed anyway, even if $null_checkbox is set to 0 (unless you have set treat_blank_as_null to 1)
$null_checkbox = 0;

// Upload parameters

// relative URL from the DaDaBIK root dir to the upload folder; you can leave the default one, remember to put a slash (/) at the end if you change it
$upload_relative_url = 'uploads/';

// absolute path of the upload dir - please put slash (/) at the end
// e.g. 'c:\\data\\web\\dadabik\\uploads\\' on windows systems
// e.g. '/home/my/path/dadabik/uploads/' on unix systems
// make sure the webserver can write in this folder and in the temporary upload folder used by PHP (see php.ini for details)
// SECURITY: You SHOULD PROTECT the upload directory from public access, otherwise anyone who knows the URL of a file you have uploaded via DaDaBIK can access the file itself, even without logging-in. By default, STARTING FROM DADABIK 6.3 the /uploads folder contains an .htaccess file which should prevent public access on Apache, please test it because it might not work in your environment; if you change the default upload directory or use a different Web server than Apache you should provide the needed security by yourself. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 6.3 you probably DON'T have the .htaccess file. Please note that, depending on your computer / FTP configuration it is possible that you can't see the .htacces file, because it starts with a dot (.).
$upload_directory = '';

// max allowed size for the uploaded files (in bytes)
$max_upload_file_size = 20000000;

// allowed file extensions (users will be able to upload only files having these extensions); you can add new extensions and/or delete the default ones; if you add extensions you also have to provide the correct MIME type adding an element to the array $allowed_file_exts_mime_ar, if you delete an extension you have to delete also the corresponding MIME type in the $allowed_file_exts_mime_ar array

$allowed_file_exts_ar[0] = 'jpg';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[1] = 'gif';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[2] = 'tif';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[3] = 'tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[4] = 'png';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[5] = 'txt';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[6] = 'rtf';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[7] = 'doc';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[8] = 'xls';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[9] = 'htm';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[10] = 'html';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[11] = 'csv';
$allowed_file_exts_ar[12] = 'pdf';

$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[0] = 'image/jpg';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[1] = 'image/gif';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[2] = 'image/tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[3] = 'image/tiff';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[4] = 'image/png';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[5] = 'text/plain';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[6] = 'application/rtf';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[7] = 'application/msword';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[8] = 'application/';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[9] = 'text/html';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[10] = 'text/html';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[11] = 'text/plain';
$allowed_file_exts_mime_ar[12] = 'application/zip';

$allowed_all_files = 0; // set to 1 if you want to allow all extensions, and files without extension too; please note that, since you cannot provide the MIME type for all possibile files, file having extensions different than the ones specifiy in $allowed_file_exts_ar are not guaranteed to be handled as expected

// Duplication check parameters

// maximum number of records to be displayed as duplicated during insert
$number_duplicated_records = 30;

// select similarity percentage used by duplication insert check
$percentage_similarity = 80;

// debug parameters

// display the main sql statements of insert/search/edit/detail operations for debugging (0|1)
// note that the insert sql statement is will be displayed only if $insert_again_after_insert is set to 1 and $show_details_after_insert = 0
$display_sql = 0;

// display all the sql statements and the MySQL error messages in case of DB error for debugging (0|1)
$debug_mode = 1;

// display the "I think that x is similar to y......" statements during duplication check (0|1)
$display_is_similar = 0;

// search parameters

// enable the quick search feature, which provides a quick search row at the top of the results
$enable_quick_search_feature = 1;

// allow the "and/or" choice directly in the form during the search (0|1)
$select_operator_feature = 1;

// default operator (or/and), if the previous is set to 0
$default_operator = 'and';

// choose if you want to show the change table dropdown menu in the search form (1) or not (0)
$show_tables_menu_in_search = 1;

// enable the possibility, for users, to specify AND / OR operators during a search e.g. typing "apple OR banana" (0|1)
// operators are case sensitive, OR and AND must be written in capital letters
// users cannot mix operators (city AND Europe OR USA)
$enable_user_booleans = 0;

// data grid and details page parameters

// items of the menu used to choose the number of result records displayed per page, you can add new numbers and/or delete the default ones
$records_per_page_ar[0] = 10;
$records_per_page_ar[1] = 20;
$records_per_page_ar[2] = 50;
$records_per_page_ar[3] = 100;

// target window for details/edit, 'self' is the same window, 'blank' a new window; this works just for the standard data grid, not for template data grids
$edit_target_window = 'self';

// coloumn at which a text, textarea and select_single field will be wrapped in the results page, this value also determines the width of the coloumn in the results table (standard data grid) if $word_wrap_fix_width is 1
$word_wrap_col = '25';

// allow that $word_wrap_col value also determines the width of the coloumn in the results table (standard data grid) (0|1)
$word_wrap_fix_width = 0;

// always wrap words at the $word_wrap_col column, even if it is necessary to cut them (0|1)
$enable_word_wrap_cut = 1;

// image files to use as icons for delete, edit, details
// you can use both relative or absoulute url here
$delete_icon = 'images/delete.png';
$edit_icon = 'images/edit.png';
$details_icon = 'images/details.png';

// enable results table row highlighting (0|1)
$enable_row_highlighting = 1;

// separator to use while displaying several values related to the same select_multiple_* field (in data grid and details page)
$separator_display_select_multiple = '<br/>';

// dates parameters

// field type for date and date time ('classic' or 'date_picker')
// the 'classic' method uses list boxes (one list box for year, one for month, ....); the 'date_picker" method uses a normal textbox plus a date/time picker

// WARNING: CLASSIC is not available anymore, even if you choose it date_picker will be used instead.
$field_type_for_date = 'date_picker';

// format used to display date fields ('literal_english', 'latin' or 'numeric_english')
// 'literal_english': May 31, 2010
// 'latin': 31-5-2010
// 'numeric_english': 5-31-2010
// please note that, in edit mode, the date in a date picker is always displayed in year-month-day format
// note that, depending on your system, you can have problem displaying dates prior to 01-01-1970 or after 19-01-2038 if you use the literal english format; in particular, it is known that this problem affects windows systems
$date_format = 'numeric_english';

// date field separator (divides day, month and year; used only with latin and numeric_english date format)
$date_separator = "-";

// start and end year for date field, used to build the year combo box for date and date_time fields (only if $field_type_for_date = 'classic')
$start_year = 1968;
$end_year = 2018;

// insertion parameters

// choose if, after an insert, you want DaDaBIK to display again the insert form (1) or not (0)
$insert_again_after_insert = 0;

// choose if, after an insert, you want DaDaBIK to show you a details page of the record just inserted
$show_details_after_insert = 0;

// choose if you want to show the change table dropdown menu in the insert form (1) or not (0)
$show_tables_menu_in_insert = 1;

// record locking parameters

// enable the record lock feature when a user is editing a record
$enable_record_lock_feature = 1;

// number of seconds after which a record is automatic unlocked (useful to avoid a record being locked forever when, for example, a user enters the record in edit mode and then left his workstation); choose a value >= 60
$seconds_after_automatic_unlock = 240;

// forms settings

// show update and search submit buttons also at the top of the forms, not just at the bottom (0|1)
$show_top_buttons = 0;

// number of items a select_multiple_menu field should show
$size_multiple_select = 3;

// show "previous" and "next" buttons in edit and details forms (0|1)
// if you have tables with millions of records and your memory is not enough, the Web server could crash trying to find the next/previous record; if this happens, you should disable $show_previous_next
$show_previous_next = 1;

// email notices parameters

// enable_insert_notice_email_sending: when a new record is inserted an e-mail containing the record details will be sent to the addresses below (0|1)
// this feature requires an "auto increment" primary key in the relative table
$enable_insert_notice_email_sending = 0;

// set here the recipient addresses of the insert notice e-mail
// Here is an example
// $insert_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[0] = '';
// $insert_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[1] = '';
// $insert_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar[0] = '';
// $insert_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

$insert_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[0] = '';

$insert_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

// please note that on some PHP versions, probably only on MS Windows, the mail() function doesn't work fine: the messages are not send to the bcc addresses and the bcc addresses are shown in clear!!!
$insert_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

// enable_update_notice_email_sending: when a record is updated an e-mail containing the new record details will be sent to the addresses below (0|1)
$enable_update_notice_email_sending = 0;

// set here the recipient addresses of the update notice e-mail
// Here is an example
// $update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[0] = '';
// $update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[1] = '';
// $update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar[0] = '';
// $update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

$update_notice_email_to_recipients_ar[0] = '';

$update_notice_email_cc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

// please note that on some PHP versions, probably only on MS Windows, the mail() function doesn't work fine: the messages are not send to the bcc addresses and the bcc addresses are shown in clear!!!
$update_notice_email_bcc_recipients_ar[0] = '';

// advanced configuration settings, you can safety leave the following settings as they are

// the name of the main file of DaDaBIK, you can safety leave this option as is unless you need to rename index.php to something else
$dadabik_main_file = 'index.php';

// the name of the login page of DaDaBIK, you can safety leave this option as is unless you need to rename login.php to something else
$dadabik_login_file = 'login.php';

// prefix of the NULL checkbox name
$null_checkbox_prefix = 'null_value__';

// suffix of the select type (contains, is_null....) listbox
$select_type_select_suffix = '__select_type';

// suffix of the date time types
$year_field_suffix = '__year';
$month_field_suffix = '__month';
$day_field_suffix = '__day';
$hours_field_suffix = '__hours';
$minutes_field_suffix = '__minutes';
$seconds_field_suffix = '_seconds';

// htmLawed configuration, you shouldn't change this parameter, changing this parameter can lead to security problems, read documentation for more information
$htmlawed_config = array('safe'=>1, 'deny_attribute'=>'style, class');

// choose the correct db library; you shouldn't change this parameter
$db_library = 'pdo';

// perform a check about mbstring extension installation; this parameter should be always set to 1
$mbstring_check = 1;

// alias_prefix
$alias_prefix = '__'; // you can safety leave this option as is

// table_list_name name
$table_list_name = $prefix_internal_table."table_list"; // this parameter is here for historical reasons, don't change it

// how does DaDaBIK read the files uploaded: 'public_url' or 'php'; for security reason, you should keep this option set to "php" and keep the upload folder (see $upload_directory) protected from public access (see documentation)
$file_access_mode = 'php';



Staff member
Is this the right URL? If I try it, I don't see a DaDaBIK installation.

I don't see any obvious error in your config.php file, have you changed any other file?
Anyway you should ask your provider how to access the error logs in order to see the error generated, I am pretty sure it is a parse error which is not showed for security reasons.


Staff member
I don't understand, you said that install.php returned a blank page but actually
returns a Web page which is not a DaDaBIK page.


Staff member
Ok, I thought you meant a blank page. From what I can see, it seems that under there is not a DaDaBIK installation, but something else; I think you are just uploading the files in the wrong folder.
I have the folder pricingdb right under the webroot folder. The dadabik files are the only ones in the pricingdb folder.
There are no other applications installed in our Godaddy site.



Staff member
There is something on your host which prevents to load the files OR you published them in the wrong folder OR the name of the folder is not correct.
E.g. the following URL

should show the delete icon (there is no PHP involved here so it cannot depend on DaDaBIK) but it shows again your homepage. Please ask support to your hosting provider to understand why you can't see what you have uploaded.
I managed to obtain the error messages.

Warning: include(./include/config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 16

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './include/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 16

Warning: include(./include/functions.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 26

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './include/functions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 26

Warning: include(./include/common_start.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 27

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './include/common_start.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 27

Warning: require(./include/PasswordHash.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 28

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required './include/PasswordHash.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in /home/content/45/11244845/html/Pricingdb/install.php on line 28

does this help determine the issue at all?
