Proposal on the schema for multiple tables


Rob Caskey

I guess firstly I make the assumption that noone really cares what the tables are called as long as they have reasonable names and all start with a standardized prefix (qdb_ (db_ is already used methinks) dbx_ or even dadabik_ for you folks)?

(BTW, does DaDaBIK mean anything in any language? It kinda reminds me of Jar Jar Binks which is beginning to wear on me ;)

Anyway my proposal for a DaDaBIK 2.0 schema looks a bit like this

qrdb_fields <-descended from the old table
qrdb_forms <-consists so far of only a primary id and a name field
qrdb_fields_instances <-so you can define a field only once and then use it on a number of different forms, good because I am eventually going for SS validation as well as optional client side javascript, and a "wizard' could conceivably manage instant creation to help create different form views.
qrdb_users <-- individual user info, password, etc
qrdb_usergroups <-- usergroups which users can belong to

The only thing I can really think that would be particular nice about this setup is the ability to reuse form elements (especially good so you dont have to manually reenter regex's down the road a billion times), and I guess particular attention would have to be made to make sure instances properly inherit attrib's from qrdb_fields and yet can carry the info on themselves (leave null to inherit? means no real boolean operators on the instances because you need tristate for on/off/default(aka inherit))

Any thoughts?

How about a public CVS dealie?
Anyone wanna schedule an IRC chat tonight or tommorow? (leaving town this weekend), or post their IM info so I can get in contact with them (I am on all the major IM services + IRC)


Rob Caskey wrote:
> I guess firstly I make the assumption that noone really cares
> what the tables are called as long as they have reasonable
> names and all start with a standardized prefix (qdb_ (db_ is
> already used methinks) dbx_ or even dadabik_ for you folks)?


Thanks a lot for your suggestions, but at the moment I'm just implementing a feature that allow the user to change the current table.

At the moment I don't want to release a public CVS.

(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 1.9)