solution to results after insert




After many tests to my problem in the results after insert I found a (dirty ;-)) Solution.

The only way to resolve the problem of the code line header ('Location :',$location_url); that never was sent is force a redirection of the browser trougth add the lines:

echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"0; URL=".$location_url."\">";

after the header ('Location, etc), it's a dirty solution but works. This produce a delay effect why the footer.php is sended two times. Actually I'm probing another lines where insert this code for not had this "delay".

I examine the entire applicattion (thanks to Debbie posts and suggests), my application estructure have:

an index.php that call anothers trougth include function, it's:

-- include (cabecera.php) (like header)
-- include (menu.php)
-- include ( this change for user select)
-- include (pie.php) (like footer)

dadabik main file is called by an index.php include.

I found that if eliminate cabecera.php and menu.php the dadabik problem desapear.
But I revise these scripts and not find the problem.

Finally I was so confused and make the choice "dirty" as commented.

Any suggestions for optimize this would be appreciated.

Thanks for Debbie and all for the support.