install.php index.php comes up blank


Swamy G

My problem is that when I try to load up dadabik like try to go to the install.php page its shows me a blank page. and the same comes up for index.php.

By blank page I mean as this
The page source is as follows

I have enabled magic_quotes_gpc = On in my /etc/php.ini file
I have install both 3.1 beta and 3.0 with both giving me the same problem.
This is a copy of my config file

$host = 'alibyl';
$db_name = 'atieco';
$user = 'atiecoc';
$pass = 'password';
$site_url = 'http://alibyl/pro/';

my /etc/hosts files resolves alibyl to so that should work.
my dadabik web directory is at /var/www/html/pro/
There is a table already created and the user has all rights to that database and table.
I can login from the command line to that database just fine.

Apache: 2.0.49-4
Php: 4.3.8-10
mysql: 4.0.21-0
Distro Fedora Core 2
I can provide you with any information you need.
Thank you


Debbie S

Swamy G

Try changing the $host variable in config.php to 'localhost' since that is typically what MySQL looks for. Let me know if that works.

(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 3.1 Beta)

Swamy G

Debbie thanks for the reply, It turned out that when i upgraded mysql from 3 to 4 it had forced me to uninstall php-mysql for dependency reasons.

So It wouldn't reinstall and i forgot about it but when i reinstalled php-mysql.rpm with --nodeps it took care of the problem.

But thank you again.