Date Format in List


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How do I change the date format displayed in the Classic Grid. It shows Month-Day-Year, should be Year-Month-Day, when I edit an entry it shows right just the entries list it dont show right.
From c:.../.../...\htdocs/yourappname/include/config_custom.php

// dates parameters

// date picker type: choose between 'flatpickr' (default date picker since DaDaBIK 10.2) or 'jquery' (the jQuery UI datapicker used before DaDaBIK 10.2). If your users use Internet Explorer, please note that flatpickr requires at least IE 10
$date_picker_type = 'flatpickr';

// format used to display date fields ('literal_english', 'latin' or 'numeric_english') in the results grid and details page
// 'literal_english': May 31, 2010
// 'latin': 31-5-2010
// 'numeric_english': 5-31-2010
// note that, depending on your system, you can have problem displaying dates prior to 01-01-1970 or after 19-01-2038 if you use the literal english format; in particular, it is known that this problem affects windows systems
$date_format = 'numeric_english';

// format used to display date fields in edit mode
// this parameter only has effect if you choose flatpickr as $date_picker_type, for the jquery date picker, in edit mode, dates are always displayed in year-month-day format
// for a list of possible formats see
$date_format_edit = 'm-j-Y';
$date_time_format_edit = 'm-j-Y H:i:S';

// date field separator (divides day, month and year; used only with latin and numeric_english date format)
$date_separator = "-";

// years range for the date picker, by default it's 20 years (-10 +10 respect to the current year) you can also set a specific year e.g. $start_year = 1960
// this parameter only has effect if you choose jquery as $date_picker_type
$start_year = date('Y')-10;
$end_year = date('Y')+10;