separate insert and search from delete and alter



I wonder if I can keep the altering of the database seperate from the looking into it, without having to make two dadabik-folders on my site.
I have a acrobatic-stunt database in which I want people to be able to add their stunt, but I don't want them to be able to delete or update any other. At the same time I want to be able to this myself when I have to.
I might have overlooked something but I believe I would have to make two dadabiks both using the same database, and that seems a bit awkward.
Please help me out with this?


Hugo wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder if I can keep the altering of the database seperate
> from the looking into it, without having to make two
> dadabik-folders on my site.
> I have a acrobatic-stunt database in which I want people to
> be able to add their stunt, but I don't want them to be able to
> delete or update any other. At the same time I want to be able
> to this myself when I have to.
> I might have overlooked something but I believe I would have
> to make two dadabiks both using the same database, and that
> seems a bit awkward.
> Please help me out with this?

User authentication is not available at the moment so the double DaDaBIK installation is the only solution.

(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 3.0 beta)


First of all, excellent script!

However, I have a similar problem. As I understand (which i probably don't), making multiple versions for different user types isn't uncommon when user authentication isn't available, provided the different versions all access the same db, but it seems that dadabik treats the "view" of the data as a property of the database table.

For example, when stripping away delete and edit permissions for the "employee" version, those same changes are reflected in the "client" version.

Is it possible to edit the html or php directly to omit those buttons?


grafixDummy wrote:

> First of all, excellent script!
> However, I have a similar problem.

See here:

(Latest version of DaDaBIK when this message was posted: 3.0 beta)