deactivate the seach button on the detail grid


how can I deactivate the seach button on the detail grid:



You are using DaDaBIK version 9.4-Monterosso
PHP Version: 7.1.31
mysql version: 5.7.27
Web server: Apache
Client: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0


Staff member
the search button is always displayed if you have the read permissions on a table, is there a particular reason why you don't want to display it?


> is there a particular reason why you don't want to display it?

For my user, I have created a custom search-form (custom pages -> php file). This search-form is able to "store the seach-criteria" per user:

Now click the user to "search", the grid list is showing and also the normal "Search" button. If he click of the Search button, he jump to the "normal" search-form and not to my custom search-form.



Staff member
I understand, so basically each user has his/her search criteria already set when they log in? An alternative to that would be creating a particular view for each user.

At the moment there isn't any built-in way to remove the button; maybe you can change the label of the button using a custom language file writing something that let the user understand it's the wrong button to use.

> At the moment there isn't any built-in way to remove

OK, there is no way to set a parameter in the config.php.

But DaDaBIK is not free, but (I think) open source with PHP, so
  • who is the program code, that I must comment, that the search code not deliver to the browser?
  • or can I change the image "magnifying glass" to a 1px x 1px transparent image, that the user can't click of the image,
  • or can I hidden the DOM search element after the page is loaded
  • or .... ?

Thanks for your input.


Staff member
it's not open source, there are some files (the ones that users typically modify) that you can modify but I don't think there is an easy way to remove the search button, it's a button that normally users always need.

Maybe you can work with javascript as you said, but that button doesn't have an ID. Consider that even if you hide the button, the search page will be available via its URL.


> it's not open source,

Yes, I've seen it now. But earlier it was open source!??
I understand that you want to protect your software. Perhaps it is possible make secure, that no user can crack DaDaBIK to use without license key, but the rest of the code is open source, so I (and other programmer for the wonderful DaDaBIK ;-) ) can make source code adaptations for requirements from our customers which are not possible via GUI, config.php or custom_functions.

> Maybe you can work with javascript as you said, but that button doesn't have an ID.

Yes, the element has no ID so I can't access to the element.
It seems that there is really no way to hide the search button.

Can you implement a config.php parameter e.g. $show_grid_search_button = [true=default | false] for the next version in february/march (I have also document in the request forum).
That would be wonderful!
