Composite Keys


New member
I built a database with composite keys. When I configure dadabik to use the database (an MSSQL database), any field that is part of the composite key gets duplicated in all of the various references. I realize that there are varying opinions in the database administration industry regarding the use of composite keys, but it would be nice if dadabik would support this feature and generate only a single field reference for each element in the composite key. I am currently re-designing my database to use a separate identifying key in order to work around the issue rather than waiting for a modification to dadabik. However, this will add complications to the data extracts from a legacy system that I am replacing.

If there is something I am missing regarding the use of composite keys, that would be quite helpful.



Staff member
Hello Rich,
at the moment primary keys composed by multiple columns are not supported, see

The plan is to add the support in future but probably not in the near future; an additional complication about using composed primary keys is the fact that for some features DaDaBIK relies on the existence of an auto increment field.
