Bulk image uploads - do any databik tables need to be updated?


Well-known member
We have been bulk uploading images, and successfully linking them to our images table.

Before bulk uploads we increment the file names with unique _[image_number],jpg,
pattern we see that occurs when uploading single files via the Dadabik interface.

After that we update the photo filename field in our table with the unique name,
and the image/jpg then appears/displays in the table grid, and details page.

Are there any other considerations we should be making when bulk uploading images, that are intended
for viewing in the grid and details pages?


Staff member
DaDaBIK uses the table dadabik_unique_ids to get unique IDs to add to your file names.
You should set the current autoincrement value to your last image_number+1

ALTER TABLE dadabik_unique_ids AUTO_INCREMENT = value;
